![]() |
Creates a new style.
NewStyle [/name <style-name>] [/linecolour <hex-bgr-colour>] [/linestyle <pen-style>] [/linethickness <thickness>] [/fontcolour <hex-bgr-colour>] [/fontfamily <family>] [/fontsize <point-size>] [/fontitalics] [/fontbold] |
/fontbold |
Switches on the use of bold font. |
/fontcolour |
The colour of the font, argument in the form 0x00bbggrr . |
/fontfamily |
The font family to use, argument is the name of a font family. |
/fontitalics |
Switches on the use of italic font. |
/fontsize |
The size of the font, argument is a integer point size. |
/linecolour |
The line colour to use, argument in the form 0x00bbggrr . |
/linestyle |
The style of the line to use. Options are: Solid , Dash , Dot , Dashdot , Dashdotdot . |
/linethickness |
The thickness of the line. |
/name |
The name of the style, argument is the name. |