
Select items on selected schematic. If the /prop switch is not specified the interactive select mode is entered.

Select [/wires] [/prop <prop-name>|/wire <wire-name>|/all]



If specified, all items on the current schematic sheet will be selected.


If value is specified, all components on the current schematic with property of name name and value value will be selected. If value is not specified then all components possessing the property name will be selected.


Select wire with handle defined by wirehandle .


If specified, only wires will be selected. Otherwise both components and wires will be selected.


/prop switch makes it possible to automate modification of component values using a script. For example, supposing you have a circuit with a resistor R2 and capacitors C4 and C5, you could modify the values of all of them with a script something like:
Select /prop ref R2
Prop value 1.1K
Select /prop ref C4
Prop value 120p
Select /prop ref C5
Prop value 1.2n
The above script would change R2, C4 and C5 to 1.1k, 120p and 1.2n respectively.