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Function Summary > GetDevicePins


Returns information about the electrical connections on a specified simulator device


Number Type Compulsory Default Description




device identifier


string array



Argument 1

Device identifier. If 'instname' is specified in argument 2, this will be the instance reference of the device. Otherwise the device name must be specified.

Argument 2

Can be a combination of 'instname' and 'getterms'. 'instname' means use the instance name to define the device. 'getterms' is functional for Verilog-HDL devices and will instruct the function to return information on vectored terminals.


Return type: string array

Array of semi-colon delimited strings providing the following information about the electrical connections to the specified simulator device.

Field index Description
1 Pin name
2 Direction - in, out or inout. Currently only Verilog-HDL devices will return anything other than in or out for this field
3 Discipline - Verilog-A devices will return the defined discipline for the connection. This field will be empty for other devices
4 Connection size for vector connections - Currently only Verilog-HDL devices will return anything other than 1 for this field