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Function Summary > GetSchematicVersion


Returns version information for the currently selected schematic.


Number Type Compulsory Default Description





Schematic ID

Argument 1

Schematic ID as returned by the function OpenSchematic. This allows this function to be used with a schematic that is not open or not currently selected. If omitted or -1, the currently selected schematic will be used.


Return type: string array

Returns an array of length 3 with each element defined in the following table:

Index Description
0 Format version. This will be an integer defining the format of the schematic binary file. Possible values and the SIMetrix versions for which those formats were used are: 102 Version 1.0 to 2.02 250 Version 2.5 to 4.0 420 Version 4.1 421 Version 4.2 422 Version 4.5 423 Version 5.0 - 5.2 424 Version 5.3 425 Version 5.4 426 Version 5.5 0 ASCII schematic
1 User version. Each time the schematic is saved this value is incremented
2 Exact version of SIMetrix that was used to save the file. Only valid if saved with version 5.4 or later. Otherwise this field will be empty. Version includes the maintenance suffix letter. E.g. 5.4e