NXP Compact Models

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SIMetrix supports a range of device models developed by NXP Semiconductor.

This supersedes the old Philips compact models (PCM) interface, however, the older devices are still available if needed. Versions of devices that are available through both interfaces (e.g MOS 9.03) will now default to the SIMKIT interface but the old version is still available by selecting a different level number. PCM devices do not support multi-core execution and so usually the Simkit versions will run faster.

The table below shows the models available. Model statements should be in the form:

.model model_name model_type_name LEVEL=level_number parameters


.model my_model nmos LEVEL=103 ...

defines a MOS 9 nmos device.

To instantiate the device line must start with the letter as defined in the Device Letter column in the table below. The number of nodes must be within the range specified in the table.

SIMKIT Devices

The following table shows all available SIMKIT NXP models

Device Name Model Type Name Device Letter Max num Terms. Min num Terms. Level Description
mos903e_n nmos M 4 4 103 MOS 9 Electrical N chan
mos903e_p pmos M 4 4 103 MOS 9 Electrical P chan
mos903_n nmos M 4 4 203 MOS 9 Geom. N chan
mos903_p pmos M 4 4 203 MOS 9 Geom. P chan
mos903t_n nmos M 5 4 223 MOS 9 Thermal N chan
mos903t_p pmos M 5 4 223 MOS 9 Thermal P chan
bjt504_n npn Q 4 3 104 Mextram 4 term NPN
bjt504_p pnp Q 4 3 104 Mextram 4 term PNP
bjt504t_n npn Q 5 3 124 Mextram Thermal NPN
bjt504t_p pnp Q 5 3 124 Mextram Thermal PNP
bjt3500_n npn Q 4 3 304 BJT 3500 NPN
bjt3500_p pnp Q 4 3 304 BJT 3500 PNP
bjt3500t_n npn Q 5 3 324 BJT 3500 Thermal NPN
bjt3500t_p pnp Q 5 3 324 BJT 3500 Thermal PNP
bjt500_p pnp Q 4 3 200 BJT Level 500 Lateral PNP
bjt500t_p pnp Q 5 3 220 BJT Level 500 Lateral PNP, thermal
psp1020_n nmos M 4 4 902 PSP 1.02 nmos
psp1020_p pmos M 4 4 902 PSP 1.02 pmos
psp1021_n nmos M 4 4 912 PSP 1.02 nmos binned version
psp1021_p pmos M 4 4 912 PSP 1.02 pmos binned version
psp102e_n nmos M 4 4 802 PSP 1.02 nmos electrical
psp102e_p pmos M 4 4 802 PSP 1.02 pmos electrical
pspnqs1020_n nmos M 4 4 942 PSP 1.02 nmos, non-quasi static
pspnqs1020_p pmos M 4 4 942 PSP 1.02 pmos, non-quasi static
pspnqs1021_n nmos M 4 4 952 PSP 1.02 nmos, non-quasi static, binned
pspnqs1021_p pmos M 4 4 952 PSP 1.02 pmos, non-quasi static, binned
pspnqs102e_n nmos M 4 4 842 PSP 1.02 nmos, non-quasi static, electrical
pspnqs102e_p pmos M 4 4 842 PSP 1.02 pmos, non-quasi static, electrical
psp103_n nmos M 4 4 903 PSP 1.03 nmos
psp103_p pmos M 4 4 903 PSP 1.03 pmos
pspnqs103_n nmos M 4 4 943 PSP 1.03 nmos, non-quasi-static
pspnqs103_p pmos M 4 4 943 PSP 1.03 pmos, non-quasi-static
mos1102e_n nmos M 4 4 502 MOS 11, 1102 nmos, electrical
mos1102e_p pmos M 4 4 502 MOS 11, 1102 pmos, electrical
mos1102et_n nmos M 5 4 522 MOS 11, 1102 nmos, electrical, thermal
mos1102et_p pmos M 5 4 522 MOS 11, 1102 pmos, electrical, thermal
mos11020_n nmos M 4 4 602 MOS 11, 1102 nmos, geometric
mos11020_p pmos M 4 4 602 MOS 11, 1102 pmos, geometric
mos11020t_n nmos M 5 4 622 MOS 11, 1102 nmos, geometric, thermal
mos11020t_p pmos M 5 4 622 MOS 11, 1102 pmos, geometric, thermal
mos11021_n nmos M 4 4 612 MOS 11, 1102 nmos, geometric, binned
mos11021_p pmos M 4 4 612 MOS 11, 1102 pmos, geometric, binned
mos11021t_n nmos M 5 4 632 MOS 11, 1102 nmos, geometric, binned, thermal
mos11021t_p pmos M 5 4 632 MOS 11, 1102 pmos, geometric, binned, thermal
mos1101e_n nmos M 4 4 501 MOS 11, 1101 nmos, electrical
mos1101e_p pmos M 4 4 501 MOS 11, 1101 pmos, electrical
mos1101et_n nmos M 5 4 521 MOS 11, 1101 nmos, electrical, thermal
mos1101et_p pmos M 5 4 521 MOS 11, 1101 pmos, electrical, thermal
mos11010_n nmos M 4 4 601 MOS 11, 1101 nmos, geometric
mos11010_p pmos M 4 4 601 MOS 11, 1101 pmos, geometric
mos11010t_n nmos M 5 4 621 MOS 11, 1101 nmos, geometric, thermal
mos11010t_p pmos M 5 4 621 MOS 11, 1101 pmos, geometric, thermal
mos11011_n nmos M 4 4 611 MOS 11, 1101 nmos, geometric, binned
mos11011_p pmos M 4 4 611 MOS 11, 1101 pmos, geometric, binned
mos11011t_n nmos M 5 4 631 MOS 11, 1101 nmos, geometric, binned, thermal
mos11011t_p pmos M 5 4 631 MOS 11, 1101 pmos, geometric, binned, thermal
juncap d D 2 2 101 JUNCAP
juncap200 d D 2 2 102 JUNCAP 200
mos2002_n nmos M 4 4 1302 MOS Model 20 level 2002, nmos
mos2002_p pmos M 4 4 1302 MOS model 20 level 2002, pmos
mos2002e_n nmos M 4 4 1202 MOS Model 20 level 2002, nmos, electrical
mos2002e_p pmos M 4 4 1202 MOS Model 20 level 2002, pmos, electrical
mos2002t_n nmos M 5 4 1322 MOS Model 20 level 2002, nmos, thermal
mos2002t_p pmos M 5 4 1322 MOS Model 20 level 2002, pmos, thermal
mos2002et_n nmos M 5 4 1222 MOS Model 20 level 2002, nmos, electrical, thermal
mos2002et_p pmos M 5 4 1222 MOS Model 20 level 2002, pmos, electrical, thermal
mos3100_n nmos M 4 4 700 MOS Model Level 3100, nmos
mos3100_p pmos M 4 4 700 MOS Model Level 3100, pmos
mos3100t_n nmos M 5 4 720 MOS Model Level 3100, nmos, thermal
mos3100t_p pmos M 5 4 720 MOS Model Level 3100, pmos, thermal
mos40_n nmos M 4 4 400 MOS model Level 40, nmos
mos40_p pmos M 4 4 400 MOS model Level 40, pmos
mos40t_n nmos M 5 4 420 MOS model Level 40, nmos, thermal
mos40t_p pmos M 5 4 420 MOS model Level 40, pmos, thermal

Notes on SIMKIT Models

Binned Models

Binned models are not yet integrated with the library binning system. So, to use the binning features of binned models, you will need to manually generate separate model names for each bin.

Real Time Noise

Some models do not fully implement real-time noise. Many MOS models include frequency dependent gate noise and this is not included in real-time noise analyses. Also some models include correlated noise which is also not included. In most cases these effects are small anyway and have little effect.

You can set this option in AC small-signal noise:

.options noMos9GateNoise

to disable the same effects in AC small signal noise. A comparison can then be made to estimate the effect these noise sources may have in real-time noise. Although the option name suggests that it only applies to MOS9, this does in fact work with all applicable models.

In the case of PSP 102 models, you can instead invoke the Verilog-A based model which fully supports all noise effects in real-time noise analysis. See next section for details.

PSP 102

The PSP 102 nmos and pmos geometric models (level 902) are also available as level 1023. However the two models are implemented differently. Level 902 is implemented through the SIMKIT interface. The model code itself in this case is created using ADMS from the Verilog-A description. However, it seems that the noise model for this is not created from the Verilog-A code and appears to have been hand coded.

The Level 1023 version is built entirely from the Verilog-A code using the SIMetrix Verilog-A compiler but using a more advanced commercial C-compiler than the open source version supplied with SIMetrix. This version has the benefit over the Simkit version that it fully supports real-time noise including correlated effects and gate noise. It is however a little slower - typically about 5-10% compared to the SIMKIT version.

We have done extensive side by side tests of both models and both give identical results to a high degree of accuracy.

PCM Devices

The following table shows the older PCM (Philips Compact Model) devices still supported by the level numbers used for SIMetrix versions 6.2 and earlier. These are provided only for backward compatibility. Note that the PCM interface does not support multi-core simulation and so will run slower than the SIMKIT devices.

Description NXP name SPICE model type SPICE Level Device letter Number of terms
MOS 9 Electrical, version 9.02 MNE_902 MPE_902 nmos, pmos 102 M 4
MOS 9 Electrical, version 9.03 MNE_903 MPE_903 nmos, pmos 103 M 4
MOS 9 Geometric, version 9.02 MN_902 MP_902 nmos, pmos 202 M 4
MOS 9 Geometric, version 9.03 MN_903 MP_903 nmos, pmos 203 M 4
MOS 11 Electrical MNE_1100 MPE_1100 nmos, pmos 500 M 4
MOS 11 Geometric MN_1100 MP_1100 nmos, pmos 600 M 4
Mextram 4 term 5.03 TNS_503, TPS_503 npn, pnp 103 Q 4

Notes on PCM Models

MOS9/11 and Real Time Noise

The gate thermal noise of the MOS9/11 device is not implemented for real-time noise analysis. In practice the effect of this noise component is usually small and only occurs at high frequencies. To investigate the contribution of this component to overall circuit behaviour, it can be disabled in AC noise analysis by setting the option NoMos9GateNoise.


Original NXP documentation on these models can be found in a number of PDF files on the installation CDROM and at our web site. Please visit Further Documentation for details.