Digital-Analog Converter

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Netlist entry

Axxxx [ digital_in_0 digital_in_1 .. digital_in_n ]
+ analog_out model_name

Connection details

Name Description Flow Type Allowed types Vector bounds
digital_in Data output in d d 1 - 32
analog_out Analog output out v v, vd, i, id n/a

Model format

.MODEL model_name da_converter parameters

Model parameters

Name Description Type Default Limits
output_offset Offset voltage real 0 none
output_range Input signal range real 1 none
twos_complement Use 2's complement input. (Default is offset binary) boolean FALSE none
output_slew_time Output slew time real 10nS $1\text{e}^{-12} - \infty$
in_family Input logic family string UNIV none
input_load Input load real 1pF $0 - \infty$
sink_current Input sink current real 0 none
source_current Input source current real 0 none

Device Operation

This device is a 1-32 bit digital to analog converter. Its operation is illustrated by the following diagrams.

DAC Waveforms

DAC waveforms expanded to show output slew

The device illustrated above has the following model definition:

.model DAC_4 da_converter
+ output_slew_time 1e-08
+ output_range 5
+ output_offset 0

In offset binary mode the D-A converter produce an output voltage equal to:


where n is the number of bits and code is the digital input code represented as an unsigned number between 0 and $2^{n}-1$.

In 2's complement mode the output is:


where n is the number of bits and code is the digital input code represented as a signed number between $-2^{n/2}$ and $2^{n/2}-1$.

Whenever the input code changes, the output is set on a trajectory to reach the target value in the time specified by OUTPUT_SLEW_TIME. UNKNOWN states are ignored. That is the input will be assumed to be at the most recent known state.