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The simulator usually saves all its data to a binary file stored in a temporary location. This data will eventually get deleted. To save this data permanently, select menu
. You will be offered two options:This will move the data file to location that you specify and thus change its status from temporary to permanent. As long as the new location is in the same volume (=disk partition) as the original location, this operation will be very quick. However, if the data is from the most recent simulation, SIMetrix needs to 'unhook' it in order to be able to move the file. This will make it impossible to resume the simulation (if paused) or restart the simulation (transient only).
Note that if you specify a location on a different volume as the original data, then the file's data has to be copied and for large data files, this will take a long time.
This makes a fresh copy of the data. This option does not suffer from the drawbacks of moving the file but if the data file is large can take a very long time.
Select menu
. Navigate to a directory where you have previously saved data files.You can also reload data from temporary files using menu Graph/Probe/Data Analysis for information about these options.
. Whether or not there will be any files available to opened depends on the temporary data file delete options. SeeThe error The process cannot access the file because it is being used by another process means that the temporary data file is still in use. Unless the file is in use by another instance of SIMetrix you will be able to use its data by selecting its associated group. Use menu .