DVM - Design Verification Module

Multi-Step Analysis

The SIMPLIS Multi-Step analysis allows you to step a design parameter over a range of values using a decade-step or linear-step interval. You may also step values over a defined list of parameter values. One advantage of using a multi-step analysis over multiple DVM tests is the multi-core capability which is part of the Pro and Elite license packages. The multi-core capability runs steps in parallel on multiple processor cores and will greatly reduce the simulation time required for the multi-step analysis.

Parameter name
Parameter name The name of the stepped parameter. The schematic symbols should be parameterized with this parameter name in braced {} substitutions as at the top of the dialog above.

Note: You can automatically change symbol property values by using the Change testplan entry.

Step Parameters and Step type
Start value The starting value for the parameter step, used with decade and linear steps
Stop value The ending value for the parameter step, used with decade and linear steps
Number of steps The number of steps for the decade or linear steps
Step type The step type can be one of the following:
  • Decade: The stepped parameter is stepped logarithmically.
  • Linear: The stepped parameter is stepped in a linear fashion.
  • List:The parameter is stepped over a list of values. To define the list, click the Define List... button.
Number of cores The number of cores used for the simulation. The Pro and Elite licenses allow the use of 4 and 16 cores respectively.

For more information on the multi-step analysis see the Advanced SIMPLIS Training topic: 3.1 Multi-Step Simulations.

Testplan Syntax

The multi-step analysis has three configurations, each of which is entered in an Analysis column.

The Multi-Step analysis has the following syntax with the arguments described in the table below:


Argument Range Description
PARAM_NAME n/a The name of the stepped parameter. The schematic symbols should be parameterized with this parameter name in braced {} substitutions. You can automatically change values using the Change testplan entry.
  • Decade
  • Linear
  • List
The step type can be one of the following:
  • Decade: The stepped parameter is stepped logarithmically.
  • Linear: The stepped parameter is stepped in a linear fashion.
  • List:The parameter is stepped over a list of values.
NUM_STEPS n/a The number of steps for the decade or linear steps.
START_VALUE n/a The starting value for the parameter step, used with decade and linear steps.
STOP_VALUE n/a The ending value for the parameter step, used with decade and linear steps.
OPTIONAL_PARAMETER_STRING n/a Currently one additional parameter can be entered as a key=value pair. The number of cores is read from the key name NUM_CORES. For example, to specify 8 cores, use the following OPTIONAL_PARAMETER_STRING:


LIST Step Type

The LIST step type uses a variable length function call as described below:

Multi-Step( PARAM_NAME, LIST, VAL1, VAL2, VAL3, ..., VALN )

Where VAL1, VAL2, VAL3 ... VALN are the stepped parameter values.

Stepping Multiple Parameters

Multiple parameters can be stepped using multiple analysis columns to define the individual parameter steps. In the testplan below, parameters RLoad, Vin, and L4_Tol are stepped.

*** multi-step_power_assist.testplan
*?@ Analysis Analysis Analysis Objective Label
Multi-Step     steady-state Multi-Step|Basic 1 Param - uses control box values
Multi-Step( RLoad, List, 5, 4.2, 3.3, 2.5, 2.2 ) Multi-Step( Vin, Linear, 3, 310, 350 )   steady-state Multi-Step|Basic 2 Params List-Linear
Multi-Step( RLoad, List, 5, 4.2, 3.3, 2.5, 2.2 ) Multi-Step( Vin, Linear, 3, 310, 350 ) Multi-Step( L4_Tol, Linear, 3, 0.95, 1.05 ) steady-state Multi-Step|Basic 3 Params List-Linear-Linear

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