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From version 5, SIMetrix allows the complete customisation of toolbars. You can modify the definitions of existing toolbars and buttons, as well as create new toolbars and new tool buttons. This section explains how.
You can rearrange the button layout of existing toolbars by modifying the 'Set' option variables that define them. In the case of the schematic component buttons, this can be done via a simple GUI. See menu View|Configure Toolbar... .
For other toolbars use the command Set to reassign the buttons. The following table shows the name of the 'Set' variable to use for each one.
'Set' Variable Name | Toolbar |
ComponentButtons | SchematicComponents (non 'Micron' versions) |
MicronComponentButtons | SchematicComponents ('Micron'versions) |
CommandShellMainButtons | CommandShellMain |
CommandShellMainNoSchemButtons | CommandShellMain (if schematic disabled - OEM versions only) |
SIMPLISComponentButtons | SIMPLISComponents |
SchematicMainButtons | SchematicMain |
SchematicFileButtons | SchematicFile |
GraphMainButtons | GraphMain |
For example, the following will add a 'New Schematic' button to the schematic file tool bar:
Set SchematicFileButtons="SchemNew;SchemOpen;SchemClose;SchemSave" |
Unset SchematicFileButtons |
To determine the current definition, use the GetOption function with the 'Set' variable name as described in the table above. For example:
Show GetOption('SchematicFileButtons') |
You can change the command executed when a button is pressed using the command DefButton. This is useful if you want to change the symbol placed for one of the component buttons. For example if you wanted to change one of the NMOS buttons, you could do something like:
DefButton NMOS4 "inst /ne my_nmos" |
You can redefine any of the pre-defined buttons. SeePre-defined Buttons for a complete list.
You can define completely new buttons with your own graphic design and add them to an existing toolbar. The same method can also be used to redefine the graphics for existing buttons.
This is done using the command CreateToolButton. These are the steps to take:
CreateToolButton /class component diffres diffres.png |
"Place Diffused Resistor" |
DefButton diffres "inst /ne diffressym" |
To create a completely new toolbar, use the command CreateToolBar. This will create an empty toolbar.
To add buttons to a new toolbar, you must use the command DefineToolBar. You can add both pre-defined and user-defined buttons to a custom toolbar.
The following table lists all the buttons that are pre-defined. All of these buttons may be redefined if required.
The bitmaps are embedded in the SIMetrix binary, but can also be found on the install CD in the directory script/images.
Button name | Description | Bitmap |
AddCurve | Add Curve | newcurve.bmp |
AddFourier | Fourier... | newfourier.bmp |
BiasV | Place Bias Marker | biasv.bmp |
CalcAveragePower | Display Average Power/Cycle | avg.bmp |
CalcFall | Display Fall Time | falltime.bmp |
CalcHighPass3db | Display -3dB Point (High Pass) | 3dbhighpass.bmp |
CalcLowPass3db | Display -3dB Point (Low Pass) | 3dblowpass.bmp |
CalcRise | Display Rise Time | risetime.bmp |
CalcRMS | Display RMS/Cycle | rms.bmp |
Capacitor | Place Capacitor | cap.bmp |
Copy | Duplicate | copy.bmp |
Delete | Cut | erase.bmp |
DeleteAxis | Delete Axis/Grid | delgrid.bmp |
DeleteCurve | Delete Curve | delete.bmp |
Diode | Place Diode | diode.bmp |
Flip | Flip | flip.bmp |
GraphClose | Close Graph | fileclose.bmp |
GraphOpen | Open Graph | fileopen.bmp |
GraphSave | Save Graph | filesave.bmp |
Ground | Place Ground | gnd.bmp |
HideCurves | Hide Selected Curves | hide.bmp |
IGBT | Place IGBT | igbt.bmp |
Inductor | Place Inductor | ind.bmp |
IProbe | Place Current Probe | iprobe.bmp |
ISource | Place Current Source | isource.bmp |
Mirror | Mirror | mirror.bmp |
MoveCurve | Move Curve to Selected Axis/Grid | movecurve.bmp |
NewAxis | New Axis | newaxis.bmp |
NewGrid | New Grid | newgrid.bmp |
NJFET | Place N-channel JFET | njfet.bmp |
NMOS | Place N-channel MOSFET | nmos.bmp |
NMOS3IC | Place 3 term Nchannel MOSFET | nmos_ic3.bmp |
NMOS4 | Place 4 term Nchannel MOSFET | nmos_ic.bmp |
NPN | Place NPN Transistor | npn.bmp |
Opamp | Place Opamp | opamp.bmp |
Options | Options | options.bmp |
PJFET | Place P-channel JFET | pjfet.bmp |
PMOS | Place P-channel MOSFET | pmos.bmp |
PMOS3IC | Place 3 term Pchannel MOSFET | pmos_ic3.bmp |
PMOS4 | Place 4 term Pchannel MOSFET | pmos_ic.bmp |
PNP | Place PNP Transistor | pnp.bmp |
print.bmp | ||
PSU | Place PSU | psu.bmp |
Resistor | Place Resistor (Box shape) | res.bmp |
ResistorZ | Place Resistor (Z shape) | resz.bmp |
Rotate | Rotate | rotate.bmp |
SatInd | Place Saturable Inductor | sat_ind.bmp |
SatTx | Place Saturable Transformer | tx_sat.bmp |
SchemClose | Close Schematic | fileclose.bmp |
SchemNew | New Schematic | newschem.bmp |
SchemOpen | Open Schematic | fileopen.bmp |
SchemSave | Save Schematic | filesave.bmp |
SchemSaveAll | Save All Schematics | saveall.bmp |
SCR | Place Thyristor | scr.bmp |
ShowCurves | Show Selected Curves | show.bmp |
SimPause | Pause Simulation | pause.bmp |
SimRunNetlist | Run Netlist | run.bmp |
SimRunSchem | Run Schematic | run.bmp |
SymbolNew | New Symbol | newsymbol.bmp |
TitleCurve | Change Curve Name | curvetitle.bmp |
TL | Place Transmission Line | tl.bmp |
Tx | Place Transformer | tx.bmp |
Undo | Undo | undo.bmp |
UndoZoom | Undo Zoom | undo.bmp |
VProbe | Place Voltage Probe | vprobe.bmp |
VSource | Place Voltage Source | vsource.bmp |
Waveform | Place Waveform Generator | vsig.bmp |
Wire | Wire Mode | pencil.bmp |
Zener | Place Zener Diode | zener.bmp |
ZoomFull | Fit Window | zoomfull.bmp |
ZoomIn | Zoom In | zoomin.bmp |
ZoomOut | Zoom Out | zoomout.bmp |
ZoomRect | Zoom Box | zoomrect.bmp |
ZoomXAuto | Fit Width | zoomwidth.bmp |
ZoomYAuto | Fit Height | zoomheight.bmp |