
Displays the title block creation dialog.


Number Type Compulsory Default Description


string vector


Initial display values

Argument 1

Initial display values for the dialog. Each value is in a separate vector element and will start with one of the following prefixes (including the colon ':'):

Prefix Description
CompanyName: Company name to appear
Title: Title of the schematic
Author: Author of the schematic
Notes: Notes about the schematic
LayoutStyle: Either 'Horizontal' or 'Vertical'. Vertical mode will not display an image.
Logo: Full path to an image to use.
Version: Schematic version number. Use "<<auto>>" for an automatically assigned version number.
Date: Schematic version date. Use "<<auto>>" for an automatically assigned version number.
Not all of these values have to be defined. If no values are defined, then the company, author and logo image will attempt to be chosen from option settings.


Return type: string array

Title block definition. Values are specified one per vector element and have one of the following prefixes (including the colon ':'):

Prefix Description
CompanyName: Company name to appear
Title: Title of the schematic
Author: Author of the schematic
Notes: Notes about the schematic
LayoutStyle: Either 'Horizontal' or 'Vertical'. Vertical mode will not display an image.
Logo: Full path to an image to use.
Version: Schematic version number. Use "<<auto>>" for an automatically assigned version number.
Date: Schematic version date. Use "<<auto>>" for an automatically assigned version number.