
Opens the dialog box used to define a curve for plotting. See menu Probe ▶ Add Curve... or Plot ▶ Add Curve... in the graph window.

The argument is a string array of length 25 which defines how the various controls are initialised. This array has the same format for EditAxisDialog and EditProbeDialog. Not all the elements are relevant to this function. The following table describes the elements that are used:

Index Purpose Notes Default
0 Axis Type Setting of Axis Type group in Axis/Graph Options sheet. Possible values:
'auto' Auto Select
'selected' Use Selected
'axis' Use New Y-Axis
'grid' Use New Grid
'digital' Digital
No default. Value must be specified.
1 Graph Type Setting of Graph Options group in Axis/Graph Options sheet. Possible values:
'add' Add To Selected
'newsheet' New Graph Sheet
'newwindow' New Graph Window
No default. Value must be specified.
2 Axis name Not used with this function
3 Persistence Not used with this function
4 Graph name Not used with this function
5 Curve label Curve label control in Define Curve sheet <<empty>>
6 Analysis Not used with this function
7 Plot on completion Not used with this function
8 reserved for future use Not used with this function
9 reserved for future use Not used with this function
10 X axis graduation Setting of Log|Lin|Auto for X Axis in Axis Scales sheet. Possible values:
'in' Lin
'log' Log
'auto' Auto
11 X axis scale options Setting of scale options for X Axis in Axis Scales sheet. Possible values:
'nochange' No Change
'auto' Auto scale
'defined' Defined
12 Y axis graduation Setting of Log|Lin|Auto for Y Axis in Axis Scales sheet. Possible values as for X axis. 'auto'
13 Y axis scale options Setting of scale options for X Axis in Axis Scales sheet. Possible values as for X axis. 'auto'
14 X axis min limit Min value for X Axis in Axis Scales sheet. Must be specified as a string. 0
15 X axis max limit Max value for X Axis in Axis Scales sheet. Must be specified as a string. 1
16 Y axis min limit Min value for Y Axis in Axis Scales sheet. Must be specified as a string. 0
17 Y axis max limit Max value for Y Axis in Axis Scales sheet. Must be specified as a string. 1
18 X axis label Axis Label setting for X-Axis group in Axis Labels sheet <<empty>>
19 X axis units Axis Units setting for X-Axis group in Axis Labels sheet <<empty>>
20 Y axis label Axis Label setting for Y-Axis group in Axis Labels sheet <<empty>>
21 Y axis units Axis Units setting for Y-Axis group in Axis Labels sheet <<empty>>
22 Y-expression Contents of Y expression edit box <<empty>>
23 X-expression Contents of X expression edit box, if enabled <<empty>>
24 Vector filter Subcircuit filter selection in Available Vectors group. Possible values:
'all' All
'top' Top level
sub circuit name Select a subcircuit name.

The available vectors list box is initialised with the names of vectors in the current group.


Number Type Compulsory Default Description


string array


initial values


Return type: string array

The function returns a string array with the same format as the argument. If the user selects Cancel the function returns an empty vector.