
Opens a specialized dialog used to edit the parameters for a SIMPLIS multi-Level MOSFET Driver. See internal script simplis_edit_mosfet_driver for an application example of this function.


Number Type Compulsory Default Description


string array


Initial values


string array


Caption, combo options, Help context id

Argument 1

String array providing initial values for the various controls. The order is:

Index Purpose Notes Default
0 LEVEL The model level 1
1 INVERTING Inverting flag 0
2 USE_DELAY Delay flag 1
3 THRESHOLD The input threshold 2.5
4 HYSTWD The input hysteresis 1.0
5 RISE_DELAY The rising edge delay 15n
6 FALL_DELAY The falling edge delay 10n
7 HS_RDSON The upper switch RDS(on) for Level 0 and 1 models 1
8 HS_RSAT The upper switch saturation resistance for Level 0 and 1 models 10Meg
9 HS_ISAT The upper switch saturation current for Level 0 and 1 models 2
10 LS_RDSON The lower switch RDS(on) for Level 0 and 1 models 1
11 LS_RSAT The lower switch saturation resistance for Level 0 and 1 models 10Meg
12 LS_ISAT The lower switch saturation current for Level 0 and 1 models 3
13 IC The initial condition of the upper switch. <<empty>>
14 HS_ROFF The upper switch off resistance for Level 0 and 1 models 10Meg
15 LS_ROFF The lower switch off resistance for Level 0 and 1 models 10Meg
16 HS_VON The upper switch on-state voltage 0
17 LS_VON The lower switch on-state voltage 0
18 HS_RDSON_L2 The upper switch RDS(on) for Level 2 models 10
19 HS_R2_L2 The upper switch resistance for the second PWL segment 500m
20 HS_RSAT_L2 The upper switch saturation current for Level 2 models 10Meg
21 HS_V1_L2 The voltage where the upper switch transitions from the 1st to 2nd PWL segments 500m
22 HS_ISAT_L2 The upper switch saturation current for Level 2 models 1
23 LS_RDSON_L2 The lower switch RDS(on) for Level 2 models 10
24 LS_R2_L2 The lower switch resistance for the second PWL segment 500m
25 LS_RSAT_L2 The lower switch saturation current for Level 2 models 10Meg
26 LS_V1_L2 The voltage where the lower switch transitions from the 1st to 2nd PWL segments 100m
27 LS_ISAT_L2 The lower switch saturation current for Level 2 models 3

Argument 2

Index Purpose Notes Default
0 Caption The dialog box caption "Edit Multi-Level MOSFET Driver"
1 Combo options Combo items for the initial conditions box. <<empty>>
2 Help context id The help context id, used for the built-in Multi-Level MOSFET Driver. <<empty>>


Return type: string array

String array corresponding exactly to argument 1 and holding the user's selected values. Return value will be empty if the user cancels the box.