
Opens a dialog box designed for editing a time domain waveform. To see an example of this dialog box, place a Waveform Generator on a schematic, select it then press F7.


Number Type Compulsory Default Description


string array


Time/frequency initial values


string array


Vertical initial values


string array



Argument 1

Initial values for the controls in the Time/Frequency group box. Values must be entered as strings and may be in the form of expressions enclosed with curly braces as well as literal constants. Up to 10 elements defined as follows:

Index Description
0 Integer from 0 to 8, specifies wave shape as follows:
0 Square
1 Triangle
2 Sawtooth
3 Sine
4 Cosine
5 Pulse
6 One pulse
7 One pulse (exp)
8 Step
1 Delay
2 Rise time
3 Fall time
4 Width
5 Period
6 Damping
7 0: Use Delay, 1: Use Phase
8 Frequency
9 Duty cycle

Argument 2

Initial values for the controls in the Vertical group box. Values must be entered as strings and may be in the form of expressions enclosed with curly braces as well as literal constants. Up to 5 elements defined as follows:

Index Description
0 Initial
1 Pulse
2 Off until delay
3 Offset
4 Amplitude

Argument 3

String array which may contain any combination of:

Name Description
simplis Select SIMPLIS mode. This shows the "Source idle during POP and AC analyses" check box
initialpulse If true, means read the values for initial and pulse and use these to derive values for offset and amplitude. If false, read the values for offset and amplitude and use these to derive values for initial and pulse. This is set unconditionally if arg1 is missing or has size < 5. Otherwise it is set by a flag in arg2 if present otherwise it is false.


Return type: string array

String array with 16 elements. Elements 0 - 9 as for argument 1, elements 10-14 as for argument 2. Element returns the state of the "Source idle during POP and AC analyses" check box.