
Runs an external program and returns its exit code.


Number Type Compulsory Default Description




Path to executable file








stdout and stderr output directed to message window

File to receive redirected output

Argument 1

File system path to executable file. This would usually be a binary executable but may be any file that is defined as executable by the operating system.

  1. The directory where the SIMetrix binary is located
  2. The current directory
  3. windows \ SYSTEM32. windows is the location of the Windows directory.
  4. windows \ SYSTEM
  5. The windows directory
  6. The directories listed in the PATH environment variable


Argument 2

String array containing one or more of the options defined in the following table:

'wait' If specified, the function will not return until the called process has exited.
'command' Calls OS command line interpreter to execute the command supplied. This can be used to execute system commands such as 'copy' and 'move'.
'stdout' Stdout from the process is displayed in the command shell message window. Requires either 'wait' or file redirection see argument 3
'stderr' Stderr from the process is displayed in the command shell message window. Requires either 'wait' or file redirection see argument 3
'console' Opens a console window to execute the process. Disables stdout and stderr

Argument 3

If stdout or/and stderr are specified, the output can be optionally directed to a file. Use this argument to specify the file to receive the output


Return type: real array

Returns a real array of length 3 as defined below:

Index Description
0 Process exit code. If the process is still running when this function returns, this value will be 0.
1 Error code as follows:
0 Process launched successfully
1 Command processor not found. ( command options specified)
2 Cannot find file
3 File is not executable
4 Access denied
5 Process launch failed
6 Unknown failure
2 PID of process. This will be -1 if the process is no longer running