
Adds a property to a graph legend. Legend properties are generally used to display measurement information for a curve. Their name and value is displayed below a curve's legend (or label).

AddLegendProp <curveId> <property-name> <property-value>



The curve ID. Curve id is returned by the functions GetSelectedCurves , GetAxisCurves and GetAllCurves.


Name of property. May be any string and may contain spaces.


Value of property. May be any string and may contain spaces.


The following iterates through selected curves and adds a RMS measurement.

let curves=GetSelectedCurves()
let numCurves = length(curves)
for idx=0 to numCurves-1
*** Script lines to retrieve RMS value ...
AddLegendProp {curves[idx]} "RMS" {rms_value}
next idx
A typical result is displayed above. In this example the property name is 'RMS' and its value is 316.37726mV