![]() |
The following table lists all commands available.
Command Name | Description |
Abort | Aborts the current simulation |
AbortSIMPLIS | Sends a signal to the SIMPLIS simulator instructing it to abort |
About | Displays the about box |
AddAnnotationText | Adds text to an annotation |
AddArc | Symbol Definition Command. Create whole circles and ellipses as well as arcs of circles and ellipses |
AddCirc | Symbol Definition Command. Creates a circle. |
AddCurveMarker | Adds a curve marker to the currently selected graph sheet |
AddDoubleClickAction | Applies a double click action to the selected elements |
AddFileViewMenuItem | Adds a FileView menu item |
AddFloodFill | Symbol Definition Command. Adds a flood filled region to a symbol |
AddFreeText | Adds a free text item to the currently selected graph sheet |
AddGlobalStyle | Adds an additional global style. |
AddGraphDimension | Adds a dimension object to a graph |
AddImage | Adds an image to the current schematic |
AddImageScript | Symbol Definition Command. Adds an image. |
AddLegend | Adds a legend box to the currently selected graph |
AddLegendProp | Adds a property to a graph legend |
AddPin | Symbol Definition Command. Adds a pin to a symbol |
AddProp | Symbol Definition Command. Adds a property to a symbol definition |
AddProperty | Adds a property to the selected schematic elements |
AddSeg | Symbol Definition Command. Adds a line segment to a symbol |
AddSymbolProperty | Adds a property to the symbol currently open in the symbol editor |
AddTextBox | Adds a Text Box to the currently selected graph |
AddTitleBlock | Adds a title block to a schematic |
AlignText | Aligns the text of a text annotation |
Anno | Annotate schematic with unique component references |
AppendGroup | Appends a data group with another group |
AppendTextWindow | Inserts text into the schematic editor's simulator command window (F11 Window) |
Arguments | Declares arguments for a script. |
BuildDefaultOptions | Resets preference settings to factory defaults |
Cancel | Cancel schematic interactive command |
CaptureWaveformImage | Captures an image of the current highlighted graph |
Cd | Change current working directory |
ChangeArcAttributes | Modify symbol arc attributes |
ChangeSelectedStyleNames | Changes the styles of the selected elements |
ChangeStyle | Changes the style of the selected elements |
ChangeSymbolProperty | Modify property value/attributes in symbol editor |
ClearMessageWindow | Clears the command shell message window |
Close | Closes either the selected schematic or graph |
CloseGraphSheet | Closes the current tabbed sheet in the selected graph window |
ClosePrinter | Conclude print job |
CloseSchem | Closes the current schematic |
CloseSheet | Closes the currently selected schematic or symbol editor tabbed sheet |
CloseSimplisStatusBox | Closes the SIMPLIS simulation status box. |
CloseTextEditor | Closes the current text editor |
CollectGarbage | Deletes temporary vectors |
CombineMenu | Combines several menus into a separate menu |
CompareSymbolLibs | Compares two symbol libraries |
Copy | Copy selected schematic components then paste (Interactive) |
CopyClipGraph | Copy graph to clipboard to paste to other applications |
CopyClipSchem | Copy schematic to clipboard to paste to other applications |
CopyFile | Copy a file |
CopyLocalSymbol | Copy local symbol to global library |
CreateFont | Create a named font object |
CreateGroup | Creates a data group |
CreateRunningDialog | Creates a dialog for displaying progress whilst a script is running |
CreateSym | Symbol definition: Start definition |
CreateToolBar | Creates a new empty toolbar |
CreateToolButton | Creates or redefines a tool bar button |
CursorMode | Enable/disable/step graph cursors |
Curve | Create new curve in existing graph |
CurveEditCopy | Copy specified curves to the internal clipboard |
DefButton | Defines the command executed when a button is pressed |
DefineToolBar | Defines the action for a schematic button |
DefKey | Define keyboard key |
DefMenu | Define fixed or popup menu item |
Del | Delete file |
DelCrv | Delete curve |
Delete | Delete selected schematic items |
DeleteAxis | Delete specified y-axis or grid |
DeleteGraphAnno | Delete graph annotation object |
DeleteSymbolProperty | Delete property in symbol editor |
DelGroup | Delete group (of simulation data) |
DelLegendProp | Delete graph legend property |
DelMenu | Deletes specified menu item, or submenu. |
DelProp | Delete schematic instance property |
DelSym | Delete symbol definition |
DestroyRunningDialog | Destroys a process running dialog |
Detach | Detach selected wires. (Disables rubberbanding) |
Discard | Free up memory used by vectors |
Display | Display variables in current group |
DrawArc | Initiate arc drawing mode in symbol editor |
DrawArrow | Draws an arrow in the schematic editor |
DrawPin | Initiate pin placement mode in symbol editor |
Echo | Display text in message window or write text to file |
EditColour | Edit a colour |
EditCopy | Copy selected schematic items to clipboard for pasting to other schematics or other applications. |
EditCut | Deletes selected components and places them in the clipboard |
EditFile | Opens a text file in the text editor. |
EditFont | Edit a font |
EditGroupTitle | Edit a group's title |
EditPaste | Paste clipboard data to schematic. (Interactive) |
EditPin | Edit a pin name of a symbol in the currently installed symbol library |
EndSym | Symbol definition: terminate definition |
Execute | Execute script |
ExecuteMenu | Executes the menu with given identifier |
FileViewCleanUpFileWatchers | Removes unnecessary file watchers |
FloodFillSymbol | Flood fills a symbol |
Focus | Focus on a window |
FocusCommandShell | Selects the Command Shell and assigns it keyboard focus |
FocusShell | Selects the Command Shell and assigns it keyboard focus |
GraphZoomMode | Select mode for next cursor zoom function |
GroupSelected | Groups all selected schematic elements |
Help | Display help system |
HideCurve | Hides specified curve. |
HighlightCurve | Highlights the selected curve |
HighlightWidget | Highlights a particular content view |
Hint | Display a hint to the user |
HourGlass | Displays the hourglass cursor shape indicating that some action is in progress |
ImportSymbol | Import symbol to symbol editor |
Inst | Place component on schematic. (Interactive unless |
KeepGroup | Prevent group (simulation data) from being automatically deleted. |
Let | Evaluate expression |
Listing | Display or write to file current netlist. |
ListModels | Create dictionary of currently installed models |
ListOptions | List all global options to file |
ListStdKeys | Write standard key definitions to file |
LoadModelIndex | Reload model library indexes into memory |
LoadSimulatorStyleSheet | Applies a style sheet to simulator GUI elements. |
LoadStyleSheet | Applies a style sheet to the whole application. |
MakeAlias | Make alias variable |
MakeCatalog | Makes OUT.CAT file for use by parts browser |
MakeSymbolScript | Build script for symbol(s) |
MakeTree | Creates the specified directory path |
MCD | Make and change current working directory |
MD | Make directory |
Message | Display message in schematic status window |
MessageBox | Displays message box |
Move | Move selected schematic items (Interactive) |
MoveCurve | Move specified curve to new axis |
MoveFile | Moves a file to a new location |
MoveMenu | Moves the position of a menu item by a specified count |
MoveProperty | Move a property on a schematic instance |
Netlist | Create netlist of current schematic |
NewAnnotation | Interactive placement of a new annotation |
NewAxis | Create new y-axis |
NewBasicTextEditor | Create a new plain text document |
NewFileView | Creates a new File View |
NewGraphWindow | Open new graph window |
NewGrid | Create new graph grid |
NewLabel | Adds a new unplaced text label to a schematic |
NewLogicDefinitionEditor | Create a new plain text document |
NewNetlist | Create a new plain text document |
NewPartSelector | Creates a new Part Selector |
NewPrinterPage | Start new page in print job |
NewSchem | Open new schematic window. |
NewScript | Create a new plain text document |
NewStyle | Creates a new style |
NewSymbol | Opens a new symbol editor view |
NewVerilogA | Create a Verilog A editor |
NewVerilogHDL | Create a Verilog HDL editor |
NoPaint | Disable graph painting for duration of current script |
NoUndo | Inhibits saving to undo buffer |
OpenAsciiFile | Opens a schematic ASCII file in the text editor. |
OpenBasicTextEditor | Opens a text file in the text editor. |
OpenDirectory | Opens the directory given |
OpenExternalFile | Opens the file in the operating system default |
OpenGraph | Opens a SIMetrix graph file |
OpenGroup | Create new group (of simulation data) from data file. |
OpenLogicDefinitionEditor | Opens a logic definition file in the text editor. |
OpenNetlist | Opens a SPICE netlist or model file in the text editor. |
OpenPrinter | Begin print job |
OpenRawFile | Opens a SPICE 3 format ASCII raw file. |
OpenSchem | Open existing schematic |
OpenScript | Opens a script source file in the text editor. |
OpenSimplisStatusBox | Opens the SIMPLIS simulation status box. |
OpenVerilogA | Opens a Verilog-A source file in the text editor. |
OpenVerilogHDL | Opens a Verilog-HDL source file in the text editor. |
OpenWebPage | Opens a web page in the system default browser |
OptionsDialog | Open options dialog box |
Pan | Pan (scroll) schematic specified number of grid squares |
PasteGraphImageToSchematic | Copies a picture of the graph to a schematic. |
Pause | Pause current simulation |
PlaceCursor | Position graph cursor |
Plot | Create new graph window and plot curve |
PreProcessNetlist | Pre-processes a netlist. Intended for use with SIMPLIS but is general purpose in nature |
PrintGraph | Print graph. (Interactive) |
PrintSchematic | Print current schematic in non-interactive print job |
Probe | Change schematic cursor to probe and wait for mouse click. (Interactive) |
Prop | Change/add property of/to schematic instance |
Protect | Protect selected schematic components |
Quit | Exit SIMetrix |
RD | Remove directory |
ReadLogicCompatibility | Read logic compatibility tables |
RebuildSymbols | Reload symbols from library file |
Redirect | Redirect messages to message window to file |
RedirectMessages | Redirects all command shell messages to a file |
RegisterUserFunction | Register a user defined function |
RenameLibs | Run rename model utility |
RenameMenu | Renames a menu item |
RepeatLastMenu | Executes most recently selected the menu |
ReplayTraces | Re-builds graph curves created by fixed probe definitions |
Reset | Release memory used for simulation |
ResizeWindow | Resizes the current window |
RestartTran | Restart a transient analysis |
RestoreCommandShell | Re-opens the command shell if closed |
RestoreDefaultStyles | Restores default styles |
Resume | Resumes a previously paused simulation. |
RotInst | Rotate component or block |
Run | Runs a simulation on specified netlist. |
RunAsync | Spawns a new simulator process and runs specified netlist. |
RunCurrentScript | Runs the script currently open in the text editor. |
RunSIMPLIS | Runs the SIMPLIS simulator |
Save | Save selected schematic |
SaveAs | Saves the currently selected schematic |
SaveGraph | Saves the currently selected graph to a binary file |
SaveGroup | Saves the current data group |
SaveRhs | Create nodeset file to speed DC convergence |
SaveSnapShot | Saves the current state of a transient analysis to a snapshot file |
SaveSymbol | Save a symbol to a library or as a component |
SaveSymlib | Writes the entire global symbol library or a specified installed symbol library file to |
SaveTextEditor | Saves current text editor |
SaveTextEditorAs | Saves the current text editor to a specific file |
SchematicEnableFileWatcher | Enables the file watcher on the schematic |
SchematicFileWatcherIgnoreChanges | Disables the file watcher on a schematic editor |
SchematicFileWatcherWatchChanges | Enables the file watcher on a schematic editor |
ScreenShotWindow | Captures a screen shot of the current window |
ScriptAbort | Abort currently executing script |
ScriptPause | Pause currently executing script |
ScriptResume | Resume paused script |
ScriptStep | Single step script |
Select | Select schematic items (Interactive) |
SelectCurve | Select specified curve |
SelectGraph | Switches the graph tabbed sheet |
SelectLegends | Selects or unselects all graph window legends |
SelectSchematic | Focuses on the specified schematic |
SelectSimulator | Selects current simulator for selected schematic |
SelectSymbolPin | Selects the symbol pin with given name |
SelectWireConnected | Selects all wires connected to the currently selected elements |
Set | Set option |
SetAnnotationTextPosition | Sets the position of text within a shape based annotation |
SetCurveName | Change curve name |
SetDefaultEncoding | Sets the default encoding for reading text files when detected as not UTF-8. |
SetGraphAnnoProperty | Change a graph object property value |
SetGroup | Change current group |
SetHighlight | Highlights or unhighlights schematic objects |
SetOrigin | Set origin of symbol in symbol editor |
SetPinPrefix | Sets the prefix for the selected pin property |
SetPinSuffix | Sets the suffix for the selected pin property |
SetReadOnly | Sets a vector to be read-only |
SetRef | Change/attach reference to variable |
SetSnapGrid | Sets schematic snap grid |
SetStyleColour | Sets the style with the specified colour |
SetSymbolFillStyle | Applies a fill style to a symbol |
SetSymbolOriginVisibility | Controls the visibility of the origin marker in the symbol editor |
SetUnits | Change physical units of variable |
Shell | Execute external application or system command |
ShellOld | Execute external application or system command |
Show | Display or write to file specified variable |
ShowCurve | Show hidden curve |
ShowSimulatorWindow | Display simulator status box |
SizeGraph | Zoom or scroll graph |
TemplateEditProperty | Template script command. Edits the property of a schematic instance |
TemplateSetValue | Template script command. Sets the template value |
TextEditorCommentLines | Comments highlighted lines in the selected text editor |
TextEditorFileWatcherIgnoreChanges | Disables file watcher for current text editor |
TextEditorFileWatcherWatchChanges | Enables file watcher for current text editor |
TextEditorFind | Displays the find pop-up window for the selected text editor |
TextEditorFindNext | Triggers a find next event on the current text editor |
TextEditorGoToLine | Moves the cursor to the given line in the text editor |
TextEditorUncommentLines | Uncomments highlighted lines in the selected text editor |
TextWin | Show/hide/toggle schematic text window |
Title | Change title of graph or schematic |
TitleSchem | Sets the title of the current schematic |
Trace | Define trace (live graphing during simulation) |
UndoGraphZoom | Restore previous graph view area |
UngroupSelected | Ungroups selected schematic elements |
UnHighlightCurves | Unhighlights all curves. |
UnLet | Delete variable |
Unprotect | Unprotect and select all protected schematic instances |
Unselect | Unselect all schematic instances |
UnSet | Delete option |
UpdateAllSymbols | Conditionally updates all symbols in open schematics |
UpdateAnnotationText | Updates the text within the selected annotation |
UpdateDefaultStyle | Updates the default global style. |
UpdateGlobalStyle | Updates an existing global style. |
UpdateProperties | Restores properties on specified schematic instances to symbol defaults |
UpdateRunningDialog | Updates a process running dialog by one step |
UpdateStyleInfo | Updates the style information |
UpdateSymbol | Updates specified symbol on selected schematic |
UpdateSystemStyleInfo | Updates the style information at the system level |
UpdateTitleBlock | Updates the content of a title block |
ViewFile | View file in read-only mode |
WebOpen | Opens a web page with the given url |
Wire | Start/continue schematic wire. (Interactive unless /loc specified) |
WireMode | Enter/exit schematic wiring mode |
WM_CloseAllSystemWidgets | Closes all System Views in current window. |
WM_CloseNonPrimaryWindows | Closes all windows except the main window |
WM_ProgressWindowClose | Closes the specified progress window |
WM_ProgressWindowCloseAll | Forces all progress windows to be closed |
WM_ProgressWindowCreate | Creates a progress window |
WM_ProgressWindowReport | Increments the progress bar and allows status message to be updated |
WM_RevertToSaved | Reverts a widget back to its last saved state. |
WM_Undock | Undocks a content widget from its window. |
WriteImportedModels | Write referenced models of netlist to specified file |
XMLAddAttribute | Adds an attribute to the XML at the current location |
XMLAddElement | Adds an element to the XML at the current location |
XMLClose | Closes the XML reference |
XMLGoUpLevel | Moves the current focus element up to its parent |
XMLNew | Creates a new XML reference object |
XMLOpenElement | Opens the XML element and sets it as the current focus level |
XMLOpenFile | Opens an XML document from a file creating a new XML reference object |
Zoom | Zoom selected schematic |