
Opens a SPICE 3 format ASCII raw file.

OpenRawFile [/purge] [/bufsize buffer_size] [/spice2] rawfile [datafile]



Specifies the percentage proportion of installed RAM that is used for buffering the data. See Notes below for more details. Default value is 10 (%).


If specified, the datafile is assumed to be in CSDF format.


If specified, the loaded data group will be treated like a normal simulation group and will be automatically deleted after three runs. Otherwise it will not be deleted unless the user does so explicitly - e.g. by using the Simulator ▶ Manage Data Groups... menu.


If specified, datafile is assumed to be in SPICE format. This is an unsupported option.


Raw file to open.


SIMetrix data file to which data is written - see Notes. If omitted, a file will be created in the temporary data directory as specified by the TempDataDir option setting.


Simulator Reference Manual/Runing the Simulator/Configuration Settings. Here RAM used for this can be controlled by the /bufsize switch value. Note that the RAM is only needed while this command is being executed. Note that the data file generated by this command can be reloaded at a later time using the OpenGroup command (or menu File ▶ Data ▶ Load... ). By specifying the datafile argument you can choose the name and location of this file which can be useful for archival purposes.