
Updates the content of a title block.

Uses the currently selected schematic editor with the selected title block.

UpdateTitleBlock [/company <company name>] [/title <title name>] [/author <author name>] [/loc <x> <y>]



Updated author name.


Updated company name.


Updated date string, use <<auto>> for assigning the date automatically when the schematic is saved.


Use this to force selection of a title block. This will cause the first title block it comes across to be used. Use this if its possible no title block will be selected, for example operating on a file that has been opened by a script call.


Updated layout, either Horizontal or Vertical .


Updated logo image filename.


Updated notes. Use backslash n to mark new lines within the text.


Updated title.


Flag that will force an update of only those elements that are defined in the command call. All other items use the values as they are currently.


Updated version string, use <<auto>> for assigning the version number automatically when the schematic is saved.