
Adds a title block to the currently selected schematic.

AddTitleBlock [/company <company name>] [/title <title name>] [/author <author name>] [/loc <x> <y>] [/notes <notes>] [/layout <layout>] [/logo <imagedata>] [/date <date>] [/version <version>]



The name of the author.


The authoring company name.


Optional string representing the date. If <<auto>> is used, this will use auto date on saving.


Either 'horizontal' or 'vertical'.


The location on the schematic to place the title block. Two integer arguments, first is x-position, second is y-position.


Full path to an image file to use as the logo image. Only available in the horizontal layout.


Notes about the schematic. Only available in the horizontal layout. The notes section can be long, however you must include a backslash n within the string to indicate where line breaks should happen in the text, otherwise the entire notes section will appear on a single line.


The title of the schematic.


Optional string representing the version number. If <<auto>> is used, this will use auto version on saving.