
Plot can be used to add a new curve to an existing graph created with Plot or to change the way it is displayed.

[/xl <xlimit-low> <xlimit-high>] [/yl <ylimit_low> <ylimit_high>] [/xdelta <xdelta>] [/ydelta <ydelta>]
[/ylabel <ylabel>] [/xlabel <xlabel>] [/yunit <yunit>] [/xunit <xunit>] [/title graph-title]
[/xlog] [/ylog] [/loglog] [/dig] [/new] [/select] [/name] [/autoxlog] [/autoylog]
[/xauto] [/yauto] [/newaxis] [/newgrid] [/axisid <id>] [/autoaxis] [/bus hex|dec|decsigned|bin ]
[<y-expression>] [<x-expression>]



Does nothing. For compatibility with the command Curve.


If specified, the x-axis will be logarithmic if the x-values are logarithmically spaced.


Same as /autoxlog except that if x-values are logarithmically spaced, the Y axis will be logarithmic.


Does nothing. For compatibility with the command Curve.


Specifies that the curve is displaying a bus value.


If specified, the curve will be plotted on a digital axis. Digital axes are stacked on top of main axes and are sized and labelled appropriately for digital waveforms.


Forces both y and x axes to be logarithmic.


If specified, curve will be named curve-name .


Opens a new graph window.


Does nothing. For compatibility with the command Curve.


Does nothing. For compatibility with the command Curve.


Creates a new empty sheet. Does not plot any curves.


If specified, the new curve will be selected.


Specify title of graph with graph-title .


Does nothing. For compatibility with the command Curve.


Specify spacing between major grid lines on x-axis with real value xdelta . For default spacing use '0'.


Specify fixed limit for x-axis, xlimit-low is a real value stating the lower limit of the x-axis, whilst xlimit-high is a real value stating the higher limit of the x-axis.


Specify label for the x-axis with xlabel .


Forces logarithmic x-axis, only effective when graph sheet is empty.


Specify units for x-axis (Volts, Watts etc.) with string xunit . If it contains spaces, the whole string must be enclosed in quotes (""). You should not include an engineering prefix (m, K etc.).


Does nothing. For compatibility with the command Curve.


Specify spacing between major grid lines on y-axis with real value ydelta . For default spacing use '0'.


Specify fixed limit for y-axis, ylimit-low is a real value stating the lower limit of the y-axis, whilst ylimit-high is a real value stating the higher limit of the y-axis.


Specify label for the y-axis with ylabel .


Forces logarithmic y-axis, only effective when graph sheet is empty.


Specify units for y-axis (Volts, Watts etc.) with string yunit . If it contains spaces, the whole string must be enclosed in quotes (""). You should not include an engineering prefix (m, K etc.).


Expression describing curve to be added to graph.


Expression describing x values of curve defined by y expression. If omitted, reference of y_expression will be used.


/autoxlog and /autoxylog log test The x-values are deemed to be logarithmically spaced if three values satisfy the following: \[ 1.0000001 > \frac{x_1^2}{x_0*x_2} > 0.9999999 \] Where: \[ x_0 = x[0] \] i.e the first point in the data. If there are an even number of points: \[ x_1 = x[\frac{n}{2}-1] \] \[ x_2 = x[n-2] \] where $n$ is the number of points in the data. If there are an odd number of points: \[ x_1 = x[\frac{n-1}{2}] \] \[ x_2 = x[n-1] \] where $n$ is the number of points in the data. If there are fewer than three points or any of the values is less than or equal to zero, a linear axis will be selected.