
Opens a dialog box to define a Laplace transfer function.

The argument is a string array of length 5 that defines the initial settings. The meaning of each element is as follows:

Index Description
0 Laplace expression. (contents of "Define output using s variable" box)
1 Device type:
0 Transfer function
1 Impedance - V/I
2 Admittance - I/V
2 Input type:
0 Single ended voltage
1 Single ended current
2 Differential voltage
3 Differential current
3 Output type:
0 Single ended voltage
1 Single ended current
2 Differential voltage
3 Differential current
4 Frequency scale factor


Number Type Compulsory Default Description


string array


initial settings


Return type: string array

The function returns a string array of length 5 with the same format as the argument described above. If the user selects "Cancel" the function returns an empty vector.