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Qxxxx collector base emitter [substrate] modelname [area] [OFF] [IC=vbe,vce] |
[TEMP=local_temp] [M=mult] [DTEMP=dtemp] |
collector | Collector node name |
base | Base node name |
emitter | Emitter node name |
substrate | Substrate node name |
modelname | Name of model. Must begin with a letter but can contain any character except whitespace and '.'. |
area | Area multiplying factor. Area scales up the device. E.g. an area of 3 would make the device behave like 3 transistors in parallel. Default is 1. |
OFF | Instructs simulator to calculate operating point analysis with device initially off. This is used in latching circuits such as thyristors and bistables to induce a particular state. See .OP for more details. |
vbe,vce | Initial conditions for base-emitter and collector-emitter junctions respectively. These only have an effect if the UIC parameter is specified on the .TRAN statement (see .TRAN). |
local_temp | Local temperature. Overrides specification in .OPTIONS or .TEMP statements. |
mult | Device multiplier. Equivalent to putting mult devices in parallel. |
dtemp | Differential temperature. Similar to local_temp but is specified relative to circuit temperature. If both TEMP and DTEMP are specified, TEMP takes precedence. |
.model modelname NPN ( parameters ) |
.model modelname PNP ( parameters ) |
.model modelname LPNP ( parameters ) |
The symbols '$\times$' and '$\div$' in the Area column means that the specified parameter should be multiplied or divided by the area factor respectively.
Name | Description | Units | Default | Area |
IS | Transport saturation current | A | 1e-16 | $\infty$ |
BF | Ideal maximum forward beta | 100 | ||
NF | Forward current emission coefficient | 1.0 | ||
VAF, VA | Forward Early voltage | V | $\infty$ | |
IKF, IK | Corner for forward beta high current roll-off | A | $\infty$ | $\infty$ |
ISE | B-E leakage saturation current | A | 0 | $\infty$ |
NE | B-E leakage emission coefficient | 1.5 | ||
BR | Ideal maximum reverse beta | 1 | ||
NR | Reverse current emission coefficient | 1 | ||
VAR | Reverse Early voltage | V | $\infty$ | |
IKR | Corner for reverse beta high current roll-off | A | $\infty$ | $\infty$ |
ISC | B-C leakage saturation current | A | 0 | $\infty$ |
NC | B-C leakage emission coefficient | 2 | ||
NK, NKF | 0.5 | |||
RB | Zero bias base resistance | $\Omega$ | 0 | |
IRB | Current at which base resistance falls halfway to its minimum value | A | $\infty$ | $\infty$ |
RBM | Minimum base resistance at high currents | $\Omega$ | RB | |
RE | Emitter resistance | $\Omega$ | 0 | |
RC | Collector resistance | $\Omega$ | 0 | |
CJE | B-E zero-bias depletion capacitance | F | 0 | $\infty$ |
VJE, PE | B-E built in potential | V | 0.75 | |
MJE, ME | B-E junction exponential factor | 0.33 | ||
TF | Ideal forward transit time | Sec. | 0 | |
XTF | Coefficient for bias dependence of TF | 0 | ||
VTF | Voltage describing VBC dependence of TF | V | $\infty$ | |
ITF | High-current parameter for effect on TF | A | 0 | $\infty$ |
PTF | Excess phase at freq=1.0/(TF$\times 2\pi$) Hz | degree | 0 | |
CJC | B-C zero-bias depletion capacitance | F | 0 | $\infty$ |
VJC, PC | B-C built-in potential | V | 0.75 | |
MJC, MC | B-C junction exponential factor | 0.33 | ||
XCJC | Fraction of B-C depletion capacitance connected to internal base node | 1 | ||
TR | Ideal reverse transit time | Sec. | 0 | |
ISS | Substrate diode saturation current | A | 0 | $\infty$ |
NS | Substrate diode emission coefficient | 1 | ||
CJS, CCS | Zero-bias collector substrate capacitance | F | 0 | $\infty$ |
VJS, PS | Substrate junction built-in potential | V | 0.75 | |
MJS, MS | Substrate junction exponential factor | 0 | ||
XTB | Forward and reverse beta temperature exponent | 0 | ||
EG | Energy gap | eV | 1.11 | |
XTI | Temperature exponent for effect on IS | 3 | ||
FC | Coefficient for forward-bias depletion capacitance formula | 0.5 | ||
TNOM, TREF, t_measured | Reference temperature; the temperature at which the model parameters were measured | C | 27 | |
T_ABS | If specified, defines the absolute model temperature overriding the global temperature defined using .TEMP | C | - | |
T_REL_ GLOBAL | Offsets global temperature defined using .TEMP. Overridden by T_ABS | C | 0 | |
KF | Flicker noise coefficient | 0 | ||
AF | Flicker noise exponent | 1.0 | ||
EF | Flicker noise exponent | 1.0 | ||
KFR | Reverse flicker noise coefficient | KF | ||
AFR | Reverse flicker noise exponent | AF | ||
EFR | Reverse flicker noise exponent | EF | ||
NOISMOD | Model selector. 1 (default) selects a corrected model for base shot and flicker noise. See to 0 for compatibility with earlier versions and other simulators | 1 | ||
VO | V | 10.0 | ||
QCO | Epitaxial region charge factor | coulomb | 0.0 | $\infty$ |
Quasi saturation temperature flag:
QUASIMOD=0: no temperature dependence QUASIMOD=1: temperature dependence enabled |
0 | ||
RCO | Epitaxial region resistance. Set to non-zero to enable quasi saturation model | 0.0 | ||
GAMMA | Epitaxial region doping factor | 1e-11 | ||
VG | Quasi saturation extrapolated bandgap voltage at 0K | V | 1.206 | |
D | Quasi saturation temp coeff for scattering limited hole carrier velocity |
NPN: 0.87
PNP :0.52 |
CN | Quasi saturation temp coeff for hole mobility |
NPN: 2.42
PNP: 2.20 |
NEPI | 1.0 | |||
SUBS | If set to -1, device is lateral | 1.0 | ||
TRE1 | First order temperature coefficient, RE | 0.0 | ||
TRE2 | Second order temperature coefficient, RE | 0.0 | ||
TRB1, TRB | First order temperature coefficient, RB | 0.0 | ||
TRB2 | Second order temperature coefficient, RB | 0.0 | ||
TRM1 | First order temperature coefficient, RBM | 0.0 | ||
TRM2 | Second order temperature coefficient, RBM | 0.0 | ||
TRC1, TRC | First order temperature coefficient, RC | 0.0 | ||
TRC2 | Second order temperature coefficient | 0.0 |
The parameters defined in the following table are temperature coefficients and apply if the Hspice temperature model is enabled. This is the case if one or more of the following parameters are defined in the .MODEL statement:
If none of these parameters are specified, the standard (SPICE) temperature model is enabled and the following parameters have no effect.
Name | Description | Units | Default |
TLEV | Temperature selector. Valid values are 0, 1, 2 or 3. | ||
TLEVC | Capacitance temperature selector. Valid values are 0, 1, 2 and 3 | ||
TIKF1 | First order temperature coefficient, IKF | ||
TIKF2 | Second order temperature coefficient, IKF | ||
TIKR1 | First order temperature coefficient, IKR | ||
TIKR2 | Second order temperature coefficient, IKR | ||
TIRB1 | First order temperature coefficient, IRB | ||
TIRB2 | Second order temperature coefficient, IRB | ||
TIS1 | First order temperature coefficient, IS. (TLEV=3) | ||
TIS2 | Second order temperature coefficient, IS. (TLEV=3) | ||
TBF1 | First order temperature coefficient, BF | ||
TBF2 | Second order temperature coefficient, BF | ||
TBR1 | First order temperature coefficient, BR | ||
TBR2 | Second order temperature coefficient, BR | ||
TISE1 | First order temperature coefficient, ISE. (TLEV=3) | ||
TISE2 | Second order temperature coefficient, ISE. (TLEV=3) | ||
TISC1 | First order temperature coefficient, ISC. (TLEV=3) | ||
TISC2 | Second order temperature coefficient, ISC. (TLEV=3) | ||
TISS1 | First order temperature coefficient, ISS. (TLEV=3) | ||
TISS2 | Second order temperature coefficient, ISS. (TLEV=3) | ||
TVAF1 | First order temperature coefficient, VAF | ||
TVAF2 | Second order temperature coefficient, VAF | ||
TVAR1 | First order temperature coefficient, VAR | ||
TVAR2 | Second order temperature coefficient, VAR | ||
TITF1 | First order temperature coefficient, ITF | ||
TITF2 | Second order temperature coefficient, ITF | ||
TTF1 | First order temperature coefficient, TF | ||
TTF2 | Second order temperature coefficient, TF | ||
TTR1 | First order temperature coefficient, TR | ||
TTR2 | Second order temperature coefficient, TR | ||
TNF1 | First order temperature coefficient, NF | ||
TNF2 | Second order temperature coefficient, NF | ||
TNR1 | First order temperature coefficient, NR | ||
TNR2 | Second order temperature coefficient, NR | ||
TNE1 | First order temperature coefficient, NE | ||
TNE2 | Second order temperature coefficient, NE | ||
TNC1 | First order temperature coefficient, NC | ||
TNC2 | Second order temperature coefficient, NC | ||
TNS1 | First order temperature coefficient, NS | ||
TNS2 | Second order temperature coefficient, NS | ||
TMJE1 | First order temperature coefficient, MJE | ||
TMJE2 | Second order temperature coefficient, MJE | ||
TMJC1 | First order temperature coefficient, MJC | ||
TMJC2 | Second order temperature coefficient, MJC | ||
TMJS1 | First order temperature coefficient, MJS | ||
TMJS2 | Second order temperature coefficient, MJS | ||
TVJE | VJE temperature coefficient. (TLEVC $eq 0$) | ||
TVJC | VJC temperature coefficient. (TLEVC $eq 0$) | ||
TVJS | VJS temperature coefficient. (TLEVC $eq 0$) | ||
CTE | CJE temperature coefficient. (TLEVC $eq 0$) | ||
CTC | CJC temperature coefficient. (TLEVC $eq 0$) | ||
CTS | CJS temperature coefficient. (TLEVC $eq 0$) |
The bipolar junction transistor model in SPICE is an adaptation of the integral charge control model of Gummel and Poon.
This modified Gummel-Poon model extends the original model to include several effects at high bias levels. The model will automatically simplify to the simpler Ebers-Moll model when certain parameters are not specified.
The dc model is defined by the parameters IS, BF, NF, ISE, IKF, and NE which determine the forward current gain characteristics, IS, BR, NR, ISC, IKR, and NC which determine the reverse current gain characteristics, and VAF and VAR which determine the output conductance for forward and reverse regions. Three ohmic resistances RB, RC, and RE are included, where RB can be high current dependent. Base charge storage is modelled by forward and reverse transit times, TF and TR, the forward transit time TF being bias dependent if desired, and non-linear depletion layer capacitances which are determined by CJE, VJE, and MJE for the B-E junction, CJC, VJC, and MJC for the B-C junction and CJS, VJS, and MJS for the C-S (Collector-Substrate) junction. The temperature dependence of the saturation current, IS, is determined by the energy-gap, EG, and the saturation current temperature exponent, XTI. Additionally base current temperature dependence is modelled by the beta temperature exponent XTB in the new model.
This implementation includes further enhancements to model quasi-saturation effects. This is governed by the model parameters RCO, QCO, GAMMA and for temperature dependence, QUASIMOD, VG, D and CN. The quasi-saturation model is compatible with PSpice. Hspice models may be accommodated by setting RC to zero and RCO to the value of RC in the Hspice model.
The Quasi-saturation model was developed from the following paper:
George M. Kull, Laurence W. Nagel, Shiuh-Wuu Lee, Peter Lloyd, E. James Prendergast and Heinz Dirks, "A Unified Circuit Model for Bipolar Transistors Including Quasi-Saturation Effects". IEEE Transactions on Electron Devices, Vol. ED-32, No 6 June 1985, pages 1103-1113