Opens the following dialog box allowing the user to specify an item in tree structured
Number | Type | Compulsory | Default | Description |
1 | string array | Yes | strings | |
2 | string array | No | ['Select Item', ", '0', 'sort', 'false'] | Options |
Specifies the items to be displayed in the tree list. These are arranged in semi-colon delimited fields with each field specifying a "branch" of the tree. For example, in the above diagram, the item shown as "Full" would be specified as an element of argument 1 as "Measure;Transient;RMS;Full".
0 | Dialog caption |
1 | Identifies an item to be initially selected using the same format as the entries in argument 1. |
2 | Initial expand level. '0' for no expansion, '1' expands first level of tree etc. |
3 | Items will be alphabetically sorted unless this is set to 'nosort' |
4 | Items may selected and the box closed by double clicking unless this item is set to 'true' |
Return type: real
Returns index into argument 1 of selected item. If no item is selected, the function returns -1. If the user selects Cancel the function returns an empty vector.
Show TreeListDialog(["'AC Measurements;3db low-pass', 'AC Measurements;band-pass', + 'Transient Measurements;Rise time', 'Transient Measurements;Fall time'"])
▲Function Summary▲ | ||
◄ TranslateLogicalPath | True ▶ |