A Create column testplan entry allows you to create aliases, generate curves, and compare data from previous simulations. The following table describes the functions that you can place in a Create column.
Function | Description |
Alias() | Creates a duplicate scalar with
new scalar name from the existing scalar name. The value for the new scalar
name is identical to the value of the original scalar name. The Alias() function is illustrated in 6.6.1 Creating Scalar Aliases. For syntax information, see Alias() in the DVM testplan documentation. |
ArbitraryCurve() | Evaluates the supplied vector
expression and plots a new curve with curve_name on the graph address specified
by a graph name, a grid index and an axis name. The ArbitraryCurve() function function is illustrated in 6.6.2 Using the ArbitraryCurve() Function. For syntax information, see ArbitraryCurve() in the DVM testplan documentation. |
ArbitraryBodePlot() | Creates a Bode plot with gain
and/or phase curves from the input reference designator to the output reference
designator on the specified graph address. The ArbitraryBodePlot() function function is illustrated in 6.6.3 Using the ArbitraryBodePlot() Function. For syntax information, see ArbitraryBodePlot() in the DVM testplan documentation. |
ExtractCurve() | Extracts a specifically labeled
curve from a previously executed test, renames the curve, and plots the curve
on the specified graph address. The ExtractCurve() function is explained in 6.6.4 Using the ExtractCurve() Function. For syntax information, see ExtractCurve() in the DVM testplan documentation. |
CreateXYScalarPlot() | Creates an X-Y plot from scalar
data recorded in all tests previous to the test where this function is called.
The CreateXYScalarPlot() function is described in 6.6.5 Using the CreateXYScalarPlot() Function. For syntax information, see CreateXYScalarPlot() in the DVM testplan documentation. |