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.MODEL modelname modeltype ( param1=val1 [ param2=val2 ]... ) |
This statement specifies a set of model parameters that are used by one or more devices. .model statements often reside in model libraries.
modelname | Model name. Any text string to uniquely identify model. Must begin with a letter but may contain any legal ASCII character other than a space and period '.' . |
modeltype | Model type. See tables below for possible values |
param1, param2 etc. | Parameter name. Valid values depend on the model type. (See Simulator Devices) |
val1, val2 etc. | Parameter value. |
Model name | Description |
ad_converter | analog-to-digital converter |
adc_bridge | analog-to-digital interface bridge |
adc_schmitt | analog-to-digital schmitt trigger |
cm_cap | Capacitor with voltage initial condition |
cm_ind | Inductor with current initial condition |
d_and | digital n-input and gate |
d_buffer | digital one-bit-wide buffer |
d_cap | Digital capacitor |
d_dff | digital d-type flip flop |
d_dlatch | digital d-type latch |
d_fdiv | digital frequency divider |
d_init | Digital initial condition |
d_inverter | digital one-bit-wide inverter |
d_jkff | digital jk-type flip flop |
d_logic_block | arbitrary logic block |
d_nand | digital n-input nand gate |
d_nor | digital n-input nor gate |
d_open_c | digital one-bit-wide open-collector buffer |
d_open_e | digital one-bit-wide open-emitter buffer |
d_or | digital n-input or gate |
d_osc | controlled digital oscillator |
d_pulldown | digital pulldown resistor |
d_pullup | digital pullup resistor |
d_pulse | digital pulse |
d_ram | digital random-access memory |
d_res | Digital resistor |
d_source | digital signal source |
d_srff | digital set-reset flip flop |
d_srlatch | digital sr-type latch |
d_state | digital state machine |
d_tff | digital toggle flip flop |
d_tristate | digital one-bit-wide tristate buffer |
d_xnor | digital n-input xnor gate |
d_xor | digital n-input xor gate |
da_converter | digital-to-analog converter |
dac_bridge | digital-to-analog interface bridge |
s_xfer | s-domain transfer function block |
Model name | Description |
ACTABLE | AC Table Lookup (including S-Parameters) |
C, CAP | Capacitor |
CORE | Inductor (Saturable) |
CORENH | Inductor (Saturable) |
D | Diode - Level 1 and Level 3 |
HICUM_211 | Bipolar Junction Transistor (HICUM) |
LPNP | Lateral PNP Bipolar Junction Transistor (SPICE Gummel Poon) |
LTRA | Lossy Transmission Line |
NIGBT | Insulated Gate Bipolar Transistor |
NJF | N-channel Junction FET |
NMF | N-channel GaAsFET |
N-channel MOSFET
Also many other types. See table of contents |
NPN Bipolar Junction Transistor (SPICE Gummel Poon)
Also VBIC, Mextram and Hicum devices |
PJF | P-channel Junction FET |
PMF | P-channel GaAsFET |
P-channel MOSFET
Also many other types. See table of contents |
PNP | PNP Bipolar Junction Transistor (SPICE Gummel Poon) |
R, RES | Resistor |
R3_CMC | CMC Resistor |
SRDIO | Diode - Soft Recovery |
SW, VSWITCH | Voltage Controlled Switch |
VSXA | Verilog-HDL Interface (VSXA) |
It is possible to define SOA limits within the .MODEL statement. To do this, add one or more parameters in the following format:
LIMIT(name)=(min, max, xwindow) |
name | Name of quantity to test. See format for access variables useable when MODEL is specified for a .SETSOA statement. This is described in .SETSOA. E.g. use 'LIMIT(vcb)' to specify the limits for the collector-base voltage of a BJT. |
min, max | As described in .SETSOA. |
xwindow | As described in .SETSOA. |
The following is a model for a 1N5404 diode.
.MODEL D1n5404 D(Is=15.48f Rs=7.932m Ikf=0 N=1 Xti=3 |
+ Eg=1.11 Cjo=150p M=.3 Vj=.75 Fc=.5 |
+ Isr=120n Nr=2 Bv=525 Ibv=100u) |