NewStyle Command

Creates a new style.

NewStyle [/name <style-name>] [/linecolour <hex-bgr-colour>] [/linestyle <pen-style>] [/linethickness <thickness>] [/fontcolour <hex-bgr-colour>] [/fontfamily <family>] [/fontsize <point-size>] [/fontitalics] [/fontbold]



Switches on the use of bold font.


The colour of the font, argument in the form 0x00bbggrr.


The font family to use, argument is the name of a font family.


Switches on the use of italic font.


Overline the text.


The size of the font, argument is a integer point size.


Underline the text.


The line colour to use, argument in the form 0x00bbggrr.


The colour of the font, argument in the form 0x00bbggrr.


The style of the line to use. Options are: Solid , Dash , Dot , Dashdot , Dashdotdot .


The thickness of the line.


The name of the style, argument is the name.


Colours are defined as a hex value with blue-green-red specified components in the form 0x00bbggrr.