UpdateDefaultStyle Command

Updates the default global style.

UpdateDefaultStyle /lineType [type] /lineColour [colour] /lineThickness [thickness] /fontName [name] /fontSize [size] /fontColour [colour] /italics /bold /overline /underline /propertyStyle



Bold font.


As an AABBGGRR value.


Font family name.


A number.


Italic font.


As an AABBGGRR value, 0x00ff00ff for blue=255, green=0, red=255.


Set to 1 to fix line thickness - i.e. does not scale with zoom


Line thickness. Units 1/96 logical inches (real)


Options are Solid, Dash, Dot, DashDot, DashDotDot.


Overline the text.


Underline the text.