ManageDataGroupsDialog Function

Specialised function that opens the Manage Data Group dialog box. The box displays data group information in tabular form with each row representing a single group. The box allows editing of the information and also for groups to be deleted.


Number Type Compulsory Default Description
1 string array Yes List of data groups and associated information

Argument 1

String array with each element comprising a semi-colon delimited list of items that describe a single group. The items are as follows:
Field Description
0 Group name
1 Group title
2 Analysis mode
3 Flags: a combination of 'current', 'global', 'keep'


Return type: string array

String array of the same length as argument 1. Each array element comprising a semi-colon delimited list of items as follows:
Field Description
0 Group name
1 Group title
2 Flags: a combination of 'current', 'global', 'keep' and 'delete'

Items marked 'delete' were deleted by the user.

The function will return an empty vector if the Cancel button is clicked.