SIMetrix has a simple feature that will create a schematic symbol for use with a Verilog-A definition. The feature invokes the Verilog-A compiler using an option that tells it just to execute the first part of the compilation process. This allows the script to learn some information about the Verilog-A file such as module and port names. The script will ask you where you wish each pin to be located and after that will create a symbol and place it on the schematic. The symbol will be decorated with all necessary properties to interface the Verilog-A model to the simulator.
To use the script, create a Verilog-A definition, then execute the schematic menu
. Navigate to the Verilog-A file (extension .va) then close. Select pin locations as requested. Image of symbol will appear for placement.The symbol can be found for future use using
then navigate to "Auto Created Symbols -> Verilog-A Symbols".◄ Verilog-A Language Reference Manual | Defining Verilog-A Files in Netlist ▶ |