Verilog-A is a language for defining analog models; it is suitable for defining behavioural models with a high level of abstraction as well as highly detailed models for semiconductor devices.
Prior to the introduction of Verilog-A and other similar languages (e.g. VHDL-AMS and MAST), the definition of such models could only be achieved, if at all, using subcircuits of controlled sources, arbitrary sources and various semiconductor devices. This method is inflexible, clumsy and usually very inefficient.
Further, SIMetrix Verilog-A is a compiled language. This means that the Verilog-A code is compiled to a binary executable program in the same way that built-in device models are implemented. This makes Verilog-A models very fast.
The SIMetrix implementation of Verilog-A uses a compiler to translate the Verilog-A source into program code using the 'C' language. This in turn is compiled into a DLL which is then loaded into the SIMetrix memory image. Access to the verilog-A description is then made at the netlist level using models and instance lines.
You do not need to install a 'C' compiler to use Verilog-A. SIMetrix Verilog-A is supplied with the open-source 'C' compiler gcc using the mingw extensions. We have used a stripped down version of gcc that includes only the essential files needed for this.
The SIMetrix Verilog-A compiler was developed by us; we do not license a third-party's product, nor is it based on open-source software. This means that we know it inside out and will be able to offer the same high level of support that we have always offered with all our products.
Verilog-A Language Reference Manual ▶ |