Function Summary

The following table lists all functions available.

Function Name Description
abs Function Absolute value
ACSourceDialog Function Displays dialog box intended for the user definition of an AC source
ACSourceDialogStr Function Displays dialog box intended for the user definition of an AC source
AddConfigCollection Function Adds a list of entries to a named section in the configuration file
AddGraphCrossHair Function Adds a new cursor to the current graph
AddModelFiles Function Installs Model Files
AddPropertyDialog Function User interface function. Open add property dialog for symbol editor
AddRemoveDialog Function User interface function. Allows selection of a list of items.
AddRemoveDialogNew Function User interface function. Allows selection of a list of items.
AddSymbolFiles Function Adds file or files to list of installed symbol library files
area Function Calculates the area under a curve
arg Function Phase of argument in degrees. Result always between -180 to 180
arg_rad Function Phase of argument in radians. Result always between π to π
Ascii Function Returns ASCII code for character
AssociateModel Function Special purpose function for managing parts browser.
atan Function Arc Tangent (radians)
atan_deg Function Arc Tangent (degrees)
avg Function Returns the average of argument
BoolSelect Function User interface function. Returns state of up to 6 check boxes
Branch Function Returns branch current formula of schematic net nearest cursor
BuildParameterString Function Constructs a string of name=value pairs
CanOpenFile Function Returns TRUE if specified file exists and can be opened for read
ChangeDir Function Change current working directory
Char Function Returns character from string
CheckLaplaceExpression Function Checks a Laplace expression for correctness
ChooseDir Function User interface function. Returns user selected pathname.
ChooseDirectory Function User interface function. Returns user selected pathname.
Chr Function Returns a string consisting of a single character specified by an ASCII code
CloseEchoFile Function Closes the file associated with the Echo command. (See also
CloseFile Function Closes a file opened using OpenFile
CloseSchematic Function Close a schematic handle opened using
CloseSchematicTab Function Close a schematic using ID
CollateVectors Function Returns vector data in an interleaved manner
CommandStatus Function Obtain information about the current script execution context
CompareSymbols Function Compare two schematic symbols
ComposeDigital Function Builds a new vector from a binary weighted combination of digital vectors
ConvertFromBase64 Function Converts a Base64 expression to string
ConvertIsoTimeToUnix Function Converts time in form DD/MM/YYYY to Unix Epoch time
ConvertLocalToUnix Function Convert file name to UNIX format using `/'
ConvertNumberFromBase64 Function Converts a Base64 number to string
ConvertNumberToBase64 Function Converts a number to Base64
ConvertToBase64 Function Converts a string to Base64
ConvertUnixTimeToIso Function Converts UNIX time to form YYYY-MM-DD
ConvertUnixToLocal Function Convert file name to the local format.
CopyTree Function Copy a directory tree
CopyURL Function Copy a file to or from a location defined by a URL. Supports http, ftp and local files.
cos Function Cosine (radians)
cos_deg Function Cosine (degrees)
cosh Function Hyperbolic cosine (radians)
CountChars Function Counts characters in a string
CreateDiodeDialog Function Opens a specialised dialog used by the diode model in-circuit parameter extractor
CreateLockFile Function Create or remove a lock file for specified file.
CreateNewTitleBlockDialog Function Displays the title block creation dialog
CreateShortcut Function Create a shortcut to the specified path
CreateTimer Function Create a timer to schedule events in the future
cv Function Alias to
CyclePeriod Function Returns the time between zero crossing pairs with the same slope direction. It can be used for plotting frequency vs time
Date Function Return current system date in string form
db Function $dB(x) = 20 \times \text{log10} ( \text{
DCSourceDialog Function Opens `Edit DC Source' dialog box
DCSourceDialogStr Function Opens `Edit DC Source' dialog box
DefineADCDialog Function UI function to define generic ADC
DefineArbSourceDialog Function UI function to define arbitrary source
DefineBusPlotDialog Function Opens a dialog box to allow the user to plot a bus
DefineCounterDialog Function UI function to define generic counter
DefineCurveDialog Function Opens define curve dialog box
DefineDACDialog Function UI function to define generic DAC
DefineFourierDialog Function UI function, opens define fourier dialog
DefineFourierProbeDialog Function Opens dialog to edit fixed Fourier Probe
DefineIdealTxDialog Function UI function to define ideal transformer
DefineLaplaceDialog Function UI function to define S-domain transfer function
DefineLogicGateDialog Function UI function to define generic logic gate
DefinePerfAnalysisDialog Function UI function for defining a performance analysis
DefineRegisterDialog Function UI function to define Bus register
DefineRipperDialog Function UI function to define schematic bus ripper
DefineSaturableTxDialog Function Open dialog box to define a saturable transformer
DefineShiftRegDialog Function UI function to define generic shift register
DefineSimplisMultiStepDialog Function Open dialog box to define SIMPLIS multi-step dialog.
DeleteConfigCollection Function Deletes a list of entries in the config file
DeleteTimer Function Deletes a timer
DeleteTree Function Delete an entire directory tree
DeleteTreeProgress Function Delete an entire directory tree, while showing a progress box
DescendDirectories Function Returns all directories under the specified directory, recursing through all sub-directories
DescendHierarchy Function Analyse schematic hierarchy
DialogDesigner Function Simple dialog designer
diff Function Return derivative of argument
DirectoryIsWriteable Function Tests whether or not a directory can be written to
Distribution Function Returns random number with a custom distribution
EditArcDialog Function UI function to edit symbol editor arc
EditAxisDialog Function UI function, opens edit axis dialog
EditBodePlotProbeDialog Function UI function for editing Bode plot fixed probes
EditCrosshairDimensionDialog Function UI function, opens dialog for editing cursor dimension
EditCurveMarkerDialog Function UI function, opens dialog to edit curve marker
EditDeviceDialog Function UI function to select device and edit device parameters
EditDigInitDialog Function UI function to edit digital initial condition
EditFileDefinedPWLDialog Function Opens a dialog box designed for editing the SIMPLIS File Defined piece wise linear (PWL) sources
EditFreeTextDialog Function UI function, opens dialog to edit graph free text object
EditGraphTextBoxDialog Function UI function, opens dialog to edit graph text box object
EditLegendBoxDialog Function UI function, opens dialog to edit graph legend box object
EditObjectPropertiesDialog Function UI function, opens dialog to edit property values
EditPinDialog Function UI function to edit symbol editor pins
EditPotDialog Function UI function to edit potentiometer properties
EditProbeDialog Function UI function, opens edit fixed probe dialog
EditPropertyDialog Function UI function to edit symbol editor properties
EditReactiveDialog Function Opens a dialog box designed to edit inductors and capacitors
EditSelect Function User interface function. Returns entries in up to 6 edit controls
EditSimplisMosfetDriverDialog Function Opens a specialized dialog used to edit the parameters for a SIMPLIS Multi-Level MOSFET Driver.
EditStylesDialog Function Opens the Edit Styles dialog
EditTimer Function Edit a timer
EditWaveformDialog Function Opens the dialog box editing a time domain waveform
EditWaveformStrDialog Function Opens the dialog box editing a time domain waveform
ElementProps Function Returns selected element's properties
EncodeImageToBase64 Function Returns the Base64 binary encoding of a png or bmp file
EnterTextDialog Function UI function to define multi line text
EpochTime Function Returns absolute time in seconds
erf Function Calculate erf(x)
erfc Function Calculate erfc(x)
EscapeString Function Process string and replace escaped characters with literals
EscapeStringEncode Function Process string and replace literals with escaped characters.
ev Function Special function used to evaluate a sequence of expressions
Execute Function Execute script as a function
ExistCommand Function Tests if a command exists
ExistDir Function Checks if the specified directory exists
ExistFile Function Tests whether a file exists
ExistFunction Function Returns TRUE if the specified function exists.
ExistSymbol Function Returns TRUE if specified schematic symbol exists.
ExistVec Function Returns TRUE if specified schematic symbol exists.
exp Function Exponential
fft Function Fast Fourier Transform
Field Function Provides bit-wise access to integers
FilterEditMenu Function Filters a menu list to return only menu definitions that are actually displayed
FilterFile Function Filters specific lines from a text file.
FindModel Function Returns location of simulator model given name and type
FIR Function Finite Impulse Response digital filter
Floor Function Returns argument truncated to next lowest integer
floorv Function Returns arguments truncated to next lowest integers, as a vector
FormatNumber Function Returns formatted number in string form
Fourier Function Performs a spectral analysis using the continuous Fourier algorithm
FourierOptionsDialog Function UI function, opens fourier options dialog
FourierWindow Function Apply window function for fourier analysis
FullPath Function Returns full path name of given relative path
gamma Function Calculate gamma(x)
Gauss Function Returns random number with Gaussian distribution
GaussLim Function Returns random number with Gaussian distribution truncated at the tolerance limits. Alias of function
GaussTrunc Function Returns random number with Gaussian distribution truncated at the tolerance limits
GenPrintDialog Function UI function, opens print dialog box
GetActualPath Function Returns a file system path resolving any links
GetAllCurves Function Returns array of curve indexes for all curves in current graph
GetAllSimulatorDevices Function Returns details of all simulator built-in devices
GetAllSymbolPropertyNames Function Finds names of all the properties on currently open symbol
GetAllYAxes Function Returns array of axis id's for all y axes in current graph
GetAnalysisInfo Function Return information about most recent analysis
GetAnalysisLines Function Returns the analysis lines used in the most recent simulation analysis
GetAnnotationText Function Returns the text of the requested annotation
GetAxisCurves Function Returns array of curve id's for all curves attached to specified axis
GetAxisLimits Function Returns min and max limits and axis type (log or lin) of specified axis
GetAxisType Function Returns type (X, Y, Digital etc.) of specified axis
GetAxisUnits Function Returns units of specified axis
GetChildModulePorts Function Finds information about module ports in the underlying schematic of a hierarchical block
GetCodecNames Function Returns encoding types available
GetColours Function Return names of all colour objects
GetColourSpec Function Return specification for a colour object
GetCompatiblePathName Function Returns a path name with no white space.
GetComponentValue Function Special function to get a component value or parameter
GetConfigLoc Function Return location of config information
GetConnectedPins Function Returns instance and pin name for all instances connected to net at specified point
GetConvergenceInfo Function Return convergence data for most recent simulation
GetCurDir Function Returns current working directory.
GetCurrentGraph Function Returns id of the currently selected graph.
GetCurrentStepValue Function Get current step value in a script-based multi-step analysis
GetCursorCurve Function Returns curve id and source group name of curve attached to measurement cursor
GetCurveAxis Function Returns axis id of specified curve
GetCurveName Function Returns name of specified curve
GetCurves Function Returns curve names in selected graph
GetCurveVector Function Returns data associated with a graph curve
GetDatumCurve Function Returns curve id and source group name of curve attached to reference cursor
GetDeviceDefinition Function Retrieve the text of a model definition from library
GetDeviceInfo Function Returns information about the specified simulator device
GetDeviceParameterNames Function Returns list of device parameter names for specified SPICE device
GetDevicePins Function Get electrical connections of a simulator device
GetDeviceStats Function Get simulation statistics for each device type
GetDotParamNames Function Returns names of .PARAM variables used in latest simulation
GetDotParamValue Function Returns value of specified .PARAM value in latest simulation run
GetDriveType Function Determines the type of drive or file system of the specified path
GetEmbeddedFileName Function Returns the actual file name used for an embedded file specified using `.FILE' and `.ENDF'
GetEnvVar Function Return specified system environment variable
GetEthernetAddresses Function Returns information about the installed Ethernet adapters
GetF11Lines Function Returns the contents of the schematic's text window (also known as the F11 window)
GetFile Function User interface function. Returns user selected file name
GetFileCD Function User interface function. As GetFile but changes directory.
GetFileDir Function Get the directory where the specified file is located
GetFileExtensions Function Returns file extensions for specified SIMetrix file type
GetFileInfo Function Returns information about a specified file
GetFileSave Function User interface function. Returns user selected file name for saving
GetFileVersionStamp Function Returns file version stamp
GetFileViewerSelectedFiles Function Returns file names of selected files in the File Views
GetFirstSelectedElementOfType Function Returns handle of first selected schematic element of the requested type
GetFonts Function Return names of all font objects
GetFontSpec Function Return specification for named font
GetFreeDiskSpace Function Returns space available on specified disk volume
GetGraphObjects Function Return IDs for specified graph objects
GetGraphObjPropNames Function Return property names for specified graph object
GetGraphObjPropValue Function Return value for a graph object property
GetGraphObjPropValues Function Return value for a graph object property
GetGraphTabs Function Return graph ids for graph tabbed sheets
GetGraphTitle Function Return current graph title
GetGroupInfo Function Returns information about a group
GetGroupStepParameter Function Returns the name of the `stepped parameter' of a multi-step run
GetGroupStepVals Function Returns the `stepped values' in a multistep run
GetHighlightedWidgetId Function Returns ID of highlighted widget
GetHostId Function Get hostid that can be used for licensing
GetInstanceBounds Function Returns the bounds occupied by a schematic instance
GetInstanceParamValues Function Returns parameter values for a simulator device
GetInstancePinLocs Function Returns pin locations of specified instance
GetInstsAtPoint Function Returns instances at specified point
GetInternalDeviceName Function Finds the simulator's internal device name for a model
GetKeyDefs Function Returns details of all key definitions created using
GetKnownFolderPath Function Get system path location
GetLaplaceErrorMessage Function Convert
GetLastCommand Function Retrieve last command issued by a menu or toolbar
GetLastError Function Returns result of most recent command
GetLastGraphObjectAdded Function Returns ID of last graph object added
GetLegendProperties Function Returns array of legend property
GetLibraryModels Function Returns a string array containing information about each model in the specified model library
GetLicenseInfo Function Returns information about the current license
GetLicenseStats Function Returns information about the license check out process
GetLine Function Returns a single line from a file.
GetListSelected Function Return list of selected elements from the ListSubsetDialog
GetListUnselected Function Return list of unselected elements from the ListSubsetDialog
GetLongPathName Function Returns long path name for path specified either as a long or short path
GetMaxCores Function Return maximum cores available taking account of hardware capability and license
GetMD5 Function Get MD5 hash for a file
GetMD5String Function Get MD5 hash for a string
GetMenuItems Function Returns all menu item names in the specified menu
GetModelFiles Function Returns a list of currently installed device models.
GetModelLibraryErrors Function Returns list of error messages from model library install operations
GetModelName Function Returns the model name used by a simulator device
GetModelParameterNames Function Returns the names of all real valued parameters of a simulator device model
GetModelParameters Function Returns information about a device's model parameters
GetModelParameterValues Function Returns the values of all parameters of a simulator model
GetModelType Function Returns the simulator internal device name given a user model name
GetModifiedStatus Function Returns modified status of the specified schematic
GetNamedSymbolPins Function Returns the names for all the pins of a symbol or hierarchical component
GetNamedSymbolPropNames Function Returns names of all properties defined for a library symbol
GetNamedSymbolPropValue Function Returns the value of a property defined for a library symbol
GetNearestNet Function Returns information about the schematic net nearest the mouse cursor
GetNextDefaultStyleName Function Returns next fully available default style name
GetNodeNames Function Returns all node names used in most recent simulation
GetNonDefaultOptions Function Returns names of all explicit .OPTION settings in the most recent simulation
GetNumCurves Function Returns number of curves in curve group
GetOpenSchematics Function Returns the path names of all open schematics
GetOption Function Returns the value of an option variable
GetPath Function Returns application path
GetPlatformFeatures Function Returns information on the availability of some platform dependent features
GetPrinterInfo Function Returns information on installed printers
GetPrintValues Function Returns the names of all quantities specified in .PRINT controls in the most recent simulation
GetReadOnlyStatus Function Retruns internal read-only status of specified schematic
GetRegistryClassesRootKeys Function List sub keys under key in registry HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT root
GetSchematicFileVersion Function Returns the file version for the schematic
GetSchematicTabs Function Returns the IDs of the schematics.
GetSchematicVersion Function Returns version information about the current schematic
GetSchemTitle Function Returns the title of the current schematic
GetSelectedAnnotationText Function Returns the text in the selected annotation
GetSelectedCurves Function Returns array of curve id's for selected curves
GetSelectedGraphAnno Function Return ID of selected graph annotation object
GetSelectedStyleNames Function Returns the names of the styles used by the selected elements
GetSelectedYAxis Function Returns id of selected Y-Axis
GetShortPathName Function Returns short path name for path specified either as a long or short path
GetSimConfigLoc Function Returns the location of the simulator's configuration information
GetSimetrixFile Function Returns path name of user selected file
GetSIMPLISExitCode Function Returns the application exit code for the most recent SIMPLIS run
GetSimulationErrors Function Retrieves the error messages raised by the most recent simulation run
GetSimulationInfo Function Returns information about the most recent simulation
GetSimulationSeeds Function Returns the seeds used for the most recent run
GetSimulatorEvents Function Returns list of events for most recent simulation
GetSimulatorMode Function Returns the simulator mode of the current schematic
GetSimulatorOption Function Returns the value of a simulator option as used by the most recent analysis
GetSimulatorOptionInfo Function Returns type and default value of a simulator option setting
GetSimulatorOptions Function Return list of simulator options
GetSimulatorStats Function Returns statistical information about the most recent run
GetSimulatorStatus Function Returns the current status of the simulator
GetSoaDefinitions Function Returns all Safe Operating Area definitions specified in the most recent analysis
GetSoaMaxMinResults Function Returns the maximum and minimum values reached for all SOA definitions
GetSoaOverloadResults Function Returns the overload factor for each SOA definition
GetSoaResults Function Returns the SOA results for the most recent simulation
GetSymbolArcInfo Function Returns information on symbol editor arc
GetSymbolFiles Function Returns full paths of all installed symbol library files
GetSymbolInfo Function Returns information on symbol editor symbol
GetSymbolOrigin Function Returns the location of the symbol editor's symbol origin point
GetSymbolPropertyInfo Function Returns information about symbol editor symbol properties
GetSymbolPropertyNames Function Returns symbol editor symbol property names
GetSymbols Function Returns array of available schematic symbols
GetSystemInfo Function Returns information about the user's system
GetTempFile Function Creates a temporary file name
GetTextEditorText Function Returns text in the selected text based editor
GetThreadTimes Function Returns the execution times for each device thread for the most recent simulation
GetTimerInfo Function Returns information about a timer object
GetTitleBlockInfo Function Returns information about the selected schematic title block
GetToolBarDefinition Function Returns names of all buttons on a specified toolbar
GetToolButtons Function Returns name and description for available tool buttons
GetUncPath Function Returns UNC path of specified path
GetUserFile Function Returns path name of user specified file. Supersedes
GetVecStepParameter Function Returns parameter name associated with vector
GetVecStepVals Function Returns parameter values associated with vector
GetWidgetInfo Function Returns info about open views
GetWindowNames Function Returns names of current SIMetrix windows
GetXAxis Function Returns the id of the x-axis in the currently selected graph
GraphImageCapture Function Opens Graph Image Capture dialog
GraphLimits Function Returns x and y limits of selected graph
GroupDelay Function Returns group delay of argument
Groups Function Returns array of available groups
GuiType Function Returns whether a GUI is enabled
Hash Function Returns a `hash' value for the supplied string
HashAdd Function Add items to a hash table
HashCreate Function Create a hash table
HashDelete Function Delete a hash table
HashSearch Function Search hash table for an item
HasLogSpacing Function Determines whether the supplied vector is logarithmically spaced
HasProperty Function Determines whether a particular instance possesses a specified property.
HaveFeature Function Determines whether a specified license feature is available
HaveInternalClipboardData Function Returns the number of items in the specified internal clipboard
HierarchyHighlighting Function  
HighlightedNets Function Returns names for any wholly highlighted net names on the specified schematic
Histogram Function Returns histogram of argument
Iff Function Returns a specified value depending on the outcome of a test
IffV Function Returns a specified value depending on the outcome of a test
IIR Function Infinite Impulse Response digital filter
im Function Returns imaginary part of argument
imag Function Returns imaginary part of argument
InitRandom Function Initialises the random number generator used for SIMPLIS Monte Carlo distribution functions
InputGraph Function User Interface function. Input text for graph operation
InputSchem Function User Interface function. Input text for schematic operation
Instances Function Returns array of instances possessing specified property
InstNets Function Returns array of net names for each pin of selected schematic instance
InstNets2 Function As InstNets but with more advanced features to identify instance
InstPins Function Returns array of pin names for each pin of selected schematic instance
InstPoints Function Returns location and orientation of specified instance
InstProps Function Returns names of all properties owned by selected instance
integ Function Returns integral of argument
Interp Function Interpolates argument to specified number of evenly spaced points
IsComplex Function Returns TRUE if argument is complex
IsComponent Function Determines whether a schematic instance is a hierarchical component
IsDocumented Function Returns whether the script command or function is documented
IsFileOfType Function Returns TRUE if the filename given is of the type checked against
IsFullPath Function Returns TRUE if the supplied path name is a full absolute path
IsImageFile Function Tests if a file type is an image format.
IsModelFile Function Determines if a file contains valid electrical models
IsNum Function Returns TRUE if argument is numeric (real or complex)
IsOptionMigrateable Function Determines if an option variable may be migrated in a version upgrade.
IsSameFile Function Compares two paths and returns true (1) if they point to the same file
IsScript Function Determines whether the supplied script name can be located
IsStr Function Returns TRUE if argument is a string
IsTextEditor Function Returns true if selected editor is a text editor
IsTextEditorModified Function Returns true if the highlighted text editor is modified.
JoinStringArray Function Concatenates two string arrays to return a single array
JoinVectors Function Concatenates two vectors
length Function Returns number of elements in vector.
ListDirectory Function Returns file names found in a directory matching a supplied wildcard spec
ListSchemProps Function Returns the schematic properties
ln Function Natural logarithm
LoadFile Function Returns the contents of a text file as a vector
Locate Function Locates value in a monotonic vector. Returns index.
log Function Base 10 logarithm, same as
log10 Function Base 10 logarithm
mag Function Magnitude (same as
magnitude Function Magnitude (same as the function
makecomplexvec Function Returns a complex vector of specified length whose elements are all initiialsed to 0.0
MakeDir Function Make a directory and result of operation
MakeLogicalPath Function Converts a file system path to a symbolic path
MakeString Function Create a string array with specified number of elements
makevec Function Returns vector of specified length whose elements are all initiialsed to 0.0
ManageDataGroupsDialog Function Open Manage Data Group dialog box
ManageMeasureDialog Function Opens dialog box used to manage graph measurements.
MapArray Function Creates a real or string array with items at mapped positions
max Function Returns max of two vectors
maxidx Function Returns index to maximum input value
Maxima Function Returns locations of maxima of specified vector
Maximum Function Returns most positive value in vector
mean Function Returns statistical mean of all values in vector
Mean1 Function Returns mean of data in given range
MeasureDialog Function Opens dialog for specifying graph measurements
MessageBox Function Opens a dialog box with a message and user options
Mid Function Returns substring of the given string
min Function Returns min of two vectors
minidx Function Returns index to minimum input value
Minima Function Returns locations of minima of specified vector
Minimum Function Returns most negative value in vector
MkVec Function Returns an expression to access simulation vector data
MLRidgeRegressionFit Function Regularised linear regression based fit to given data
MLSplineFit Function Spline based fit to given data
MLVector Function Creates a vector of consecutively increasing values.
ModelLibsChanged Function Returns TRUE if any installed model paths have changed
Navigate Function Returns path name of hierarchical block given root path and full component reference
NearestInst Function Cross probe function. Returns nearest schematic instance to cursor
NetName Function Cross probe function. Returns the net name of the nearest wire or instance pin.
NetNames Function Returns array of all net names in selected schematic
NetWires Function Return all wires on specified net
NewPassiveDialog Function UI function to select passive component value and parameters
NewValueDialog Function General purpose user input function. Opens a user configurable dialog box
norm Function Returns argument scaled so that its largest value is unity.
NumberSelectedAnnotations Function Returns number of selected annotations
NumDivisions Function Returns number of divisions in a vector
NumElems Function Returns number of elements in a vector
OpenEchoFile Function Redirects the output of the Echo command
OpenFile Function Opens a file and returns its handle. This may be used by the Echo command
OpenPDFPrinter Function Sets up printing for PDF output
OpenPrinter Function Starts a print session
OpenSchem Function Opens a schematic and returns value indicating success or otherwise
OpenSchematic Function Opens a schematic without displaying it. Returned ID useable by various functions and commands
Parse Function Splits up the string supplied as argument 1 into substrings or tokens
ParseAnalysis Function Opens the choose analysis dialog
ParseEscape Function Splits up the string supplied as argument 1 into substrings or tokens with escaped delimiters, eliminating empty tokens
ParseLaplace Function Parses a Laplace expression to return array of denominator and numerator coefficients
ParseParameterString Function Legacy function. Use
ParseParameterString2 Function Parses a string of name-value pairs and performs some specified action on them
ParseProbeExpression Function Parses an expression used arbitrary fixed probes
ParseSIMPLISInit Function Reads and parses the .init file created by a SIMPLIS run
PathEqual Function Compares two path names with platform dependent case-sensitivity
PerCycleTiming Function Returns a vector of ``Per Cycle'' Frequency, Period, Duty Cycle, On-Time, or Off-Time values.
PerCycleValue Function Returns a vector of "Per Cycle" Minimum, Maximum, Mean, Peak-to-Peak, or RMS values.
ph Function Returns phase of argument in degrees
phase Function Returns phase of argument in degrees
phase_rad Function Returns phase of argument in radians
PhysType Function Returns the physical type of the argument
PinName Function Cross probe function. Returns pin name nearest to cursor
PrepareSetComponentValue Function Configures
PreProcessNetlist Function Preprocess netlist
Probe Function Displays probe cursor in schematic and waits for mouse click
ProcessingAccelerator Function Detects if the current script was called by an accelerator key
ProcessingDragAndDrop Function Detects if the current script was called by a drag and drop operation
ProcessingGuiAction Function Detects if the current script was called by a GUI action
Progress Function UI function, opens progress bar
PropFlags Function Returns the attribute flags of a schematic property
PropFlags2 Function Returns the attribute flags of a schematic property
PropFlagsAll Function Returns selected property flags for all selected elements with optional filtering
PropFlagsAnnotations Function Returns selected property flags for all selected annotations with optional filtering
PropFlagsWires Function Returns selected property flags for all selected wires with optional filtering
PropOverrideStyle Function Returns override style of selected property
PropValue Function Returns value of specified property for selected instance
PropValues Function Returns array of property values
PropValues2 Function As PropValues but with rearranged arguments
PropValuesAll Function Returns selected property values for all selected elements with optional filtering
PropValuesAnnotations Function Returns selected property values for all selected annotations with optional filtering
PropValuesWires Function Returns selected property values for all selected wires with optional filtering
PutEnvVar Function Write an environment variable
PWLDialog Function Opens a dialog box designed for editing piece wise linear sources
QueryData Function Filters a list of data items according to search criteria
RadioSelect Function User interface function. Returns user selection of up to 5 radio buttons
Range Function Returns range of vector (accepts, real, complex and string)
re Function Returns real part of argument
ReadClipboard Function Returns text contents of the windows clipboard
ReadConfigCollection Function Returns the contents of an entire section in the configuration file
ReadConfigSetting Function Reads a configuration setting
ReadF11Analyses Function Read analysis specification in schematic F11 window
ReadF11Options Function Read .OPTIONS line in the F11 window
ReadFile Function Reads text file and returns contents as an array of strings
ReadIniKey Function Reads a key in an ``INI'' file
ReadRegSetting Function Reads a string setting from the windows registry
ReadSchemProp Function Returns value of schematic window property value.
ReadSIMPLISF11Data Function Returns information about the current SIMPLIS simulation configuration
ReadSpiceFile Function Reads text file and returns contents as an array of strings. Identifies SPICE netlist continuation lines and inline comments
ReadTextEditorProp Function Reads a text editor property
real Function Returns real part of argument
Ref Function Returns reference of argument
RefName Function Returns the name of the arguments reference vector
RegExp Function Match an input string to a sequence of regular expressions
RelativePath Function Returns a relative path name given a full path and a reference path
RemapDevice Function Map SIMetrix simulator device to model name and level number
RemoveConfigCollection Function Removes one or more entries from a configuration file collection
RemoveModelFile Function Uninstalls a model path
RemoveSymbolFiles Function Removes a symbol file or set of symbol files from the symbol library
ResolveGraphTemplate Function Evaluate template string used by graph object
ResolveTemplate Function Evaluate template string
RestartTranDialog Function UI function, opens restart transient dialog
Rms Function Returns accumulative RMS value of argument
RMS1 Function Returns RMS of argument over specified range
rnd Function Returns random number
RootSumOfSquares Function Returns root sum of squares of argument over specified range
rt Function Evaluate template string
SaveSpecialDialog Function Opens the dialog used by the schematic's Save Special... menu
Scan Function Splits a character delimited string into its components.
ScanEscape Function Splits up the string supplied as argument 1 into substrings or tokens with escaped delimiters, preserving empty tokens
ScriptName Function Return name of currently executing script
Search Function Search for a string in a list of strings
SearchModels Function Special purpose used by library installation. Returns pathnames of SPICE compatible model files
Seconds Function Returns the number of seconds elapsed since January 1, 1970
Select2Dialog Function Displays a dialog offering two lists
SelectAnalysis Function Opens choose analysis dialog box. Returns value according to how box closed
SelectColourDialog Function UI function, opens colour selection dialog
SelectColumns Function Analyses an array of character delimited strings and returns selected values.
SelectCount Function Returns number of selected items on schematic
SelectDevice Function Special function forms part of parts browser system. Takes catalog data as arguments and opens dialog box to select a device.
SelectDialog Function User interface function. Allows selection of one or more items from list
SelectedProperties Function Returns information about selected properties
SelectedStyleInfo Function Returns style information for the selected element
SelectedWires Function Returns handles to selected wires on schematic
SelectFontDialog Function UI function, opens select font dialog
SelectRows Function Analyses an array of character delimited strings and returns selected values.
SelectSIMPLISAnalysis Function Opens SIMPLIS choose analysis dialog box
SelectSymbolDialog Function Opens a dialog box allowing the user to select a schematic symbol from the symbol library
SelGraph Function Returns id of selected graph.
SelSchem Function Returns TRUE if at least one schematic is open.
SetComponentValue Function Special function to set or get a component value or parameter
SetDifference Function Finds the difference between two sets of strings
SetInstanceParamValue Function Set an instance parameter during a script-based multi-step analysis
SetIntersect Function Finds the intersect of two sets of strings
SetModelParamValue Function Set a model parameter during a script-based multi-step analysis
SetPropertyStyles Function Sets styles as property styles
SetReadOnlyStatus Function Sets read-only/writeable status of specified schematic
SetSymmetricDifference Function Finds the symmetric difference between two sets of strings
SetUnion Function Finds the union of two sets of strings
Shell Function Runs an external program and returns its exit code
ShellExecute Function Performs an operation on a windows registered file
ShiftRef Function Returns a vector with the reference values shifted by a specified amount, or if the second argument is not provided, shifts the reference values so the first data point has a reference value of zero.
sign Function Returns sign of argument
SimetrixFileInfo Function Returns information about a SIMetrix file
SIMPLISRunStatus Function Tests if a SIMPLIS simulation is running
SIMPLISSearchIdx Function Searches input string array for a test string, returning the indices into input array array where the test string matches.
SimulationHasErrors Function Determines success of most recent simulation
sin Function Sine (radians)
sin_deg Function Sine (degrees)
sinh Function Hyperbolic sine (radians)
Sleep Function Executes a timed delay
Sort Function Performs alphanumeric sort on argument.
SortIdx Function Sorts any vector and returns index order
SourceDialog Function User Interface function. Opens source dialog box for specifying of voltage and current source. Returns string with user selected values
SpectrumUniv Function General purpose function performs a Fourier analysis on a vector
SplitPath Function Splits file system path into its components
SplitString Function Splits string into parts according to single token
SprintfNumber Function Returns a formatted string
sqrt Function Square root
Str Function Converts argument to string
StringLength Function Returns the number of characters in the supplied string.
StringStartsWith Function Checks whether a string starts with another string.
StrStr Function Locates a sub string within a string
StyleInfo Function Returns style information
StyleLineTypes Function Returns list of possible style line types
StyleNames Function Returns a list of style names
SubstChar Function Substitutes characters in string
SubstProbeExpression Function Substitutes node names in a probe expression. Used by fixed probe symbol
SubstString Function Replaces a substring in a string, case sensitive
sum Function Sums the arguments
SumNoise Function Returns root sum of squares of argument over specified range
SupportedReadFormats Function Returns names of image formats types supported for display in SIMetrix windows such as schematics.
SupportedWriteFormats Function Returns names of image formats types that SIMetrix can create for graphical windows such as schematics and graphs.
SymbolInfoDialog Function Returns name of schematic symbol
SymbolLibraryManagerDialog Function Opens the Symbol Library Manager dialog box
SymbolName Function Returns symbol name of specified instance
SymbolNames Function Returns symbol names of schematic instances
SymbolPinOrder Function Set and/or return pin order of symbol editor symbol
SymbolPinPoints Function Returns the location of specified pin
SystemValue Function Returns the value of a system defined variable
SystemValuePath Function Returns the value of a system defined variable that accesses a file system path
SystemWidgetExistsInSelectedWindow Function States whether particular system view is in the highlighted window
TableDialog Function Displays a spreadsheet style table to allow the user to enter tabular data
TableEditor Function Displays a table of combo boxes to allow select tabular data
tan Function Tangent (radians)
tan_deg Function Tangent (degrees)
tanh Function Hyperbolic tangent (radians)
TemplateGetPropValue Function Function returns the value of a property. For use in template scripts only
TemplateResolve Function Resolve TEMPLATE value. For use in template scripts only
TextEditorHasComments Function Returns whether the editor supports comments
ThdWeight Function Returns a vector of weighting coefficients used to weight the harmonic coefficients before making a THD measurement.
TickCount Function Returns a time in seconds suitable for timing measurement
Time Function Return system time as string
ToLower Function Converts a string to all lower case
TransformerDialog Function Special function to select transformer characteristics
TranslateLogicalPath Function Converts symbolic path to a physical path
TreeListDialog Function General purpose UI function. Open dialog box with tree list control
True Function Returns 1 if vector exists and is nonzero
Truncate Function Returns vector that is a sub range of supplied vector
TwoFileSelectionDialog Function General purpose file dialog with two file entries and an option third description entry
UD Function Alias of
Unif Function Returns random number with uniform distribution
Units Function Returns physical units of argument
unitvec Function Returns vector of specified length whose elements are all 1
UpDownDialog Function General purpose UI function. Opens dialog with up-down list to allow rearranging order
UserParametersDialog Function UI function, opens dialog allowing editing of user parameter values
Val Function Converts argument to value
ValueDialog Function User interface function. Opens dialog with up to 10 boxes for entering numeric values. Return array of user selected values
Vec Function Returns data for named vector. (Allows access to vectors with invalid names)
vector Function Returns vector of specified length with each element equal to its index
VectorsInGroup Function Returns array of variable names belonging to specified group
VersionInfo Function Returns version information about running copy of SIMetrix
ViewFormattedText Function View HTML formatted text
WC Function Returns random number with worst case distribution
WirePoints Function Returns location of specified wire
Wires Function Return all wires in schematic
WM_CanRevertToSaved Function Returns whether chosen editor has a revertable saved state.
WM_GetCentralWidgetGeometry Function Returns window geometry information
WM_GetContentWidgetNames Function Returns content widget names
WM_GetContentWidgetSessionInfo Function Returns widget session information
WM_GetContentWidgetsLayout Function Returns layout information
WM_GetContentWidgetTypes Function Returns the workspace view types in a particular window
WM_GetCurrentWindowName Function Returns name of highlighted window
WM_GetNumberModifiedEditors Function Returns number of editors that are modified in all windows
WM_GetPrimaryWindowName Function Returns the name of the primary window
WM_GetSystemWidgetSessionInfo Function Returns widget session information
WM_GetSystemWidgetsLayout Function Returns layout information
WM_GetWindowGeometry Function Returns window geometry
WM_GetWindowNames Function Returns the names of all windows
WM_NumberContentWidgets Function Returns the number of content widgets in use
WM_NumberSystemWidgets Function Returns the number of system widgets in use
WriteConfigSetting Function Writes a configuration setting
WriteF11Lines Function Writes lines directly to the F11 window overwriting any existing lines
WriteF11Options Function Write SIMetrix simulator options to the F11 window.
WriteIniKey Function Writes a key value to an `INI' file
WriteRawData Function Writes data to the specified file in a SPICE3 raw file compatible format
WriteRegSetting Function Writes a string value to the windows registry
WriteSchemProp Function Write schematic window property value
XCursor Function Returns x location of graph cursor
XDatum Function Returns x location of graph reference cursor
XFromY Function Returns array of values specifying horizontal locations where specified vector crosses given y value
XMLCountElements Function Returns the number of elements of a particular type
XMLGetAttribute Function Returns the attribute value for given name at the current focus element
XMLGetElements Function Lists elements at the current focus level
XMLGetText Function Returns the text for the current focus element
XMLToString Function Returns the XML document as a string
XY Function Creates an XY Vector from two separate vectors
YCursor Function Returns y location of graph cursor
YDatum Function Returns y location of graph reference cursor
YFromX Function Returns array of values specifying the vertical value of the specified vector at the given x value